National Night Out/Neighborhood Watch
Wouldn’t it be great if neighbors in every Montgomery County community knew one another and worked together to keep their communities safer? That’s the goal of National Night Out. It’s held every year on the first Tuesday of August. And, if you are reading this before August 1 at 5:30 p.m., it’s not too late to take part! Otherwise, you’ll now be in the know and able to take part next year…maybe you’ll even get involved in organizing a Night Out event in your neighborhood.
Office and Other Types of Workplace Safety
We are talking summer safety here…vacations, outdoors, water safety, so why does office and work safety come up on the tips list? Because every summer there are new graduates entering the work force, summer interns, teens taking on summer jobs and temporaries filling in while others are out on leave. First timers and really everyone can use some information about how to stay safe in an office setting and in other types of work situations.
Pedestrian Safety
It can happen in the blink of an eye: you’re driving your car or taking a walk and suddenly there’s a pedestrian-car collision. We can reduce the incidence of these unfortunate situations if we drive with care and walk with caution. In particular, drivers need to stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections, as well as in parking lots. Meanwhile, pedestrians are urged to cross at marked crosswalks and to stop and look before crossing the street, even with the right-of-way and especially at intersections with "right turn on red.” And remember, when travelling via Ride On, always cross behind the bus. If drivers and pedestrians follow the rules of the road and become more courteous and aware of one another, we can all have a safer summer!
Pets Out and About Safety
Our pets…we love them like family and we want to make sure we’re doing what’s best for them. The Montgomery County Police Animal Services Division also wants to make sure you’re keeping your pets safe this summer. They’ve compiled a list of pet safety tips and have provided information about some of the animal laws that pertain to the summer season. No reason to delay, now’s the “purrfect” time to take a look.
Playground safety
With school out, one of the favorite places for kids to hangout, get some physical activity and have fun are playgrounds. They can become enchanted kingdoms, hideouts for super heroes, or the launch pads for outer space time traveling adventures. As imaginations soar the journeys are endless, but one journey you don’t want to take, is a trip to the emergency room. Each year more than 200,000 children in the U.S. are treated for playground-related injuries. Active supervision and following basic safety practices can help ensure your kids are safe at the playground. After you carefully dismount from the monkey bars, check out these important playground safety tips.
Poisonous Snakes and Plants
Fortunately, there aren’t too many poisonous snakes and plants, but everyone who goes for a hike or a walk in the woods better be aware of them. You certainly don’t want the longest lasting memory of your family camping trip to be an unexpected breakout of poison ivy. Definitely make sure your kids know “the rule of three.” Not to dampen anyone’s enthusiasm for adventure, but the best way to avoid trouble is to stay on marked trails, paths and maintained campgrounds.
Quality of Air
The Air Quality Index (AQI) is a tool for communicating the quality of air to the public. The AQI uses both a color-coded and numerical scale to report how clean or polluted the air is and what health effects might be of concern. The higher the AQI value is, the greater the level of air pollution and the greater the health concern. Air Quality Action Days occur when air pollution in the region is expected to reach unhealthy levels. They occur primarily during the summer months when hot, humid, and stagnant weather conditions contribute to the formation of air pollution. Whether it is an Air Quality Action Day or not, take a break from outdoor activities and learn more to keep you and your family safe.
River Safety on the Potomac
During the summer, the Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Service (MCFRS) will continue to focus education efforts and public attention on the serious and deadly dangers of the 14-mile stretch of the Potomac River from Great Falls to the Key Bridge. MCFRS representatives and officials will be out in force on weekends reminding residents of the dangers of the Potomac River and providing important tips to be safe while hiking in the area.