Winter Storm Information Portal

Determine if the County is responsible for plowing or treating your street.

Who Plows My Street?

Determine if the MCDOT is responsible for treating your street.
Check the County's snow removal status.

Check Snow Removal Status

Determine the snow removal status of your service area during a snow event.
Submit a service request ticket.

Submit a Service Request

Submit a snow-related service request to the County or State.

Need Help?

Montgomery County Winter Storm Information Portal How To Guide...

Winter Storm Information Portal: How To Guide...

Learn how to use the County's Winter Storm Information Portal to submit a snow-related service request or to obtain a snow removal status for your street or service area.

Montgomery County Emergency Planning Are You Prepared?

Are You Prepared for a Storm?

The Office of Emergency Management and Homeland Security provides information on how to prepare for winter storms. {C}

MC311 Logo button.

Contact MC311 for Non-Emergency Storm Info

During weather emergencies, MC311 provides emergency response support as long as it is needed. Contact MC311 by phone (311 or 240-777-0311) or visit

Montgomery County Storm Operations Frequently Asked Questions.

Frequently Asked Winter Weather Questions

Answers to frequently asked winter weather questions are provided by the Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT).

Winter Weather Tips

County News and Information from the Office of Public Information button.

County News

The latest information from Montgomery County Public Information Office on updates and announcements.

Montgomery County Public Schools logo button.

School Delays and Closings

The latest information from Montgomery County Public Schools about school closures and delayed openings.

Community Activities / Meetings cancellations.

Community Activity/Meeting Cancellations

Activities in schools are cancelled when public schools close early or for the entire day. Also find out about weekend and holiday cancellations or delays in County buildings.

Recreation Facilities information

Recreation Facilities

Obtain information about modifications to hours of facility operations.

Montgomery County Public Library button.

Library Branches

Information about modifications to hours of operation for Public Library branches.

Montgomery County Parks button.

Montgomery Parks

Montgomery Parks' inclement weather closures are provided by the Maryland-National Capital Parks and Planning Commission.

Rideon logo button.

Rideon Delays or Changes

Find out about delays or changes on the County's Ride On bus routes.

Metro logo button.

Metrobus and Metrorail

Go to Metro's website to get the latest information about train and bus schedules and delays in service.

Traffic Incidents and Delays button.

Traffic Incidents and Delays

Get real-time information on what's happening on roads in the area from Montgomery County and the State of Maryland.

Traffic Cameras button.

Traffic Cameras

Using the County's nearly 200 traffic cameras, check road conditions before venturing out.

Trash and Recycling Container button.

Trash and Recycling Collection Delays

Learn whether your recycling or trash pick-up will be affected by the winter storm.

Council Meeting or Hearing cancellations.

County Council Meetings or Hearings

Check the Council home page for weather or emergency related cancellations or postponements of Council meetings and hearings.

MCDOT's Snow Response Plan Overview

MCDOT is responsible for treating and plowing over 5,000 total lane miles in Montgomery County. When it snows, 200 employees with 175 pieces of equipment spring into action.  In addition, up to 180 contract personnel and over 200 pieces of contractor equipment can be mobilized as necessary. Winter storm operations plan stages are described below:

  • Stage 1: At the beginning of a storm event, County crews patrol, monitor road conditions, and pre-treat roads
  • Stage 2: When the snow or freezing precipitation begins to cover the roads (less than 3 inches of accumulation), the County spreads salt on emergency and primary neighborhood routes
  • Stage 3: When the snow accumulates to 3 inches or more, crews plow and salt all emergency routes and primary neighborhood routes
  • Stage 4: Once the snow stops, County crews complete the emergency and primary neighborhood routes and begin plowing neighborhood routes until they are completed
  • Stage 5: County routes have been completed (as long as snow has stopped)
Throughout a snow storm event, the County spreads abrasives on hills, at intersections, and on roads around schools.
MCDOT prepares for a Winter Storm by monitoring and analyzing weather forecasts and road pavement conditions. If the analysis reveals that a storm is imminent, then the County Storm Operations Center and MCDOT Depots are activated. County snow plow crews are then given their plow routes and their trucks are loaded with salt to tackle the approaching storm.
County safesidewalks photo of person shoveling snow.

Clear your Sidewalks of Snow and Ice

Property owners are required by law to clear sidewalks in front of, and alongside, their properties within 24 hours of the end of a snow storm. 

State of Maryland button which links to the Maryland DOT CHART web site.

Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT)

The MDOT Coordinated Highways Action Response Team (CHART) web site provides access to realtime highway and traffic data for Maryland state roads. 

Twitter button that links to the County's Social Media Directory

Montgomery County Social Media Directory

The Montgomery County Social Media Directory provides County social media sites, blogs, and feeds for up to date information during a storm event.

Power Outages button.

Power Outages

Contact your power company -- BG&E (877-778-2222) / First Energy/Potomac Edison (1-888-544-4877)  /  PEPCO (1-877-737-2662) --to get power outage information or to report a problem.

Property Damage - mailbox leaning over.

Property Damage Claims

Report property damage to a driveway, fence, grass, mailbox, or vehicle due to a County snowplow. Please review the County's Snow Removal Claims Guidelines for more information. 

Montgomery County Alert Montgomery logo.

Stay Informed with Alert Montgomery

Register with Alert Montgomery to receive emergency County updates, warnings and instructions on any of your devices.

County Weather Forecasts button.

Weather Forecasts

National Weather ServiceWeatherBug, and the Weather Channel provide up to the minute weather information, forecasts, severe weather warnings and alerts.

Snow truck... Other jurisdictions that Plow Snow in Montgomery County.

Who Else Plows Snow in Montgomery County

The State of Maryland, the Federal Government, other County departments, agencies, and jurisdictions as well as some homeowners associations also have responsibility for plowing.

Clear Your Sidewalks

County residents are required by law to clear sidewalks in front of and alongside their properties within 24 hours of the end of a snowstorm. But don’t just do it because it’s the law.

  • Do it for schoolkids
  • Do it for older adults
  • Do it for folks who depend on transit
  • Do it for yourself and your family
  • When shoveling, please keep snow clear from fire hydrants

County Executive's Customer Service Commitment

Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich