COVID-19: Resources for Businesses

Montgomery County encourages local businesses to explore all forms of Federal and State assistance that may be available.

Resources to assist in this search include:

Small Businesses Impacted by Purple Line Construction Grant Program

Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich and Montgomery County Councilmember Evan Glass, a member of the Council’s Transportation and Environment Committee, were joined earlier this week by Council President Tom Hucker; State Delegates Jheanelle Wilkins, Lorig Charkoudian and David Moon; Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart; Javier Rivas from the Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC); and business leaders to announce that $231,000 has been appropriated to the County by the Maryland Department of Commerce to assist small businesses that have lost revenue due to the Purple Line construction.   

Applications for these grants are being accepted until 5 p.m., December 10, 2021 by Montgomery County partner LEDC.  Businesses interested in learning more about the Purple Line grant program should visit

Online Sales and Telework Grant Program

Montgomery County, Maryland County Executive Marc Elrich announced a new grant program for Montgomery County small businesses to help them promote their products and services prior to the holiday shopping season.  Applications to the Online Sales and Telework Grant Program was opened from November 12th through midnight on November 19, 2021.  Grants of up to $10,000 each will be available. (Each applicant will receive a pro-rata share of the $789,000 of total funding available.  Therefore, the actual grant amounts will be determined by the total number of eligible applicants.)  

“Small businesses are the foundation of our economy and many count on year-end retail sales to survive.  We are committed to assisting them in as many ways as possible. This is a great opportunity to help with their holiday and winter marketing,” said County Executive Elrich.  “Visit Montgomery has a strong track record helping our restaurants and others through their effective use of technology and promotion.” The Online Sales and Telework grant funding was appropriated to the Maryland Department of Commerce under the American Recovery Act and will be distributed through a partnership between Montgomery County and Visit Montgomery.

The grant application process for these grants requires two steps:
  • Step #1:  Submit Directory Information to Discover MoCo Platform:
Business owners or their representatives must submit their directory listing information through an online form located at   
  • Step #2:  Submit Grant Application to Montgomery County
After registering on the Discover MoCo site in Step #1, businesses should complete their application which is available on the  Telework Grant page.
NOTE: **The application period for this grant program has CLOSED. Applicants will be notified of their status (and next steps if they were approved for funding) by December 15, 2021)

Atención: Empresas pequeñas del condado de Montgomery

Si necesita $$ para ayudarlo a promocionar sus productos y servicios  el programa (Montgomery County Online Sales and Telework Grant) está disponible, y puede  aplicar  antes de este viernes, 19 de noviembre. 

Para obtener más información sobre el proceso y un recorrido de paso a paso del proceso de la solicitud con preguntas y respuestas presione 
aquí .

¿Tiene más Preguntas?  Puede mandar un correo electrónico:  [email protected]  o   [email protected]

Public Health Emergency Grants
Conversion from Conditional to Permanent Status

Montgomery County Public Health Emergency Grants were awarded as conditional grants contingent on recipients meeting program requirements, including the submission of a report documenting how grant funds were used. 

County staff will review a random sampling of Public Health Emergency Grant (PHEG) reports to ensure that the required information was provided. Assuming that there are no major issues, and if applicants have not been contacted individually by the County with follow-up questions, then all PHEG grant recipients can assume that they have met all requirements of the program and that the conditional grant has been converted to a permanent grant.  

Internal staff reviews were completed June 30, so if PHEG grant recipients did not hear from the County by then, they can assume that the PHEG grant has become a permanent grant.

COVID-19 Requirements Established by Businesses and Organizations

Private businesses and organizations have the right to set and enforce policies regarding the use of face coverings in their facilities and requirements for employees to be vaccinated as long as they in compliance with current public health orders. Business owners are encouraged to consult with an attorney to ensure they are in compliance with Federal and State law.

Please refer to Federal and State guidance for additional information:

Maryland Relief Act

Small Business Assistance Programs

As part of the bipartisan  Relief Act of 2021, the Maryland Department of Commerce will provide funding through programs targeting specific groups of businesses.

Important Updates on Unemployment Benefits

Includes self-employed, independent contractors, “gig” workers.

Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act Unemployment Insurance Programs

On December 27, the federal COVID-19 relief package, called the “Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act” that extends the CARES Act programs and provides additional federal unemployment benefits, was signed into law.

Read the details of  the Continued Assistance for Unemployed Workers Act

Visit the Maryland Department of Labor Division of Unemployment for additional information. 

Additional Business Resources: