Drug Prevention Addiction Programs
Medication Assisted Treatment: VIVITROL | Opioid Overdose Prevention and Intervention: Naloxone | Opioid Treatment Resources Montgomery County Health and Human Services| Montgomery County Correctional Facility - Addiction and Recovery Programs | Montgomery County Offers Free Trainings on Naloxone Medication Used to Reverse Effects of Opioid Overdose | Road to Recovery | Links of Interest |
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Medication Assisted Treatment: VIVITROL
VIVITROL is a once-monthly, long acting intramuscular (IM) injection designed to be used in conjunction with a comprehensive treatment program. Opioid-dependent patients, including those being treated for alcohol dependence, must be opioid-free at the time of initial VIVITROL administration. VIVITROL is indicated for the treatment of alcohol dependence in patients who are able to abstain from alcohol in an outpatient setting prior to initiation of treatment with VIVITROL. Patients should not be actively drinking at the time of initial VIVITROL administration. VIVITROL is also indicated for the prevention of relapse to opioid dependence, following opioid detoxification. Treatment with VIVITROL should be accompanied by psychosocial therapy. VIVITROL is a nonaddictive, nonnarcotic opioid antagonist that blocks the subjective effects of opioids.
VIVITROL is offered to eligible individuals within the Department’s custody who meet medical criteria and other release considerations. At the Montgomery County Correctional Facility, the Jail Addiction Services staff offers a weekly group to individuals interested and considering VIVITROL and other medication assisted treatment to help reinforce their recovery process upon release. Eligibility is reviewed with all interested candidates for VIVITROL and related treatment connections.
Contact Information
Montgomery County Jail Addiction Services (JAS)| Telephone: 240-773-9991 | Web Site: Jail Addiction Services
Opioid Overdose Prevention and Intervention: Naloxone
Information and Resource Links
Opioid Treatment Resources Montgomery County Health and Human Services

Overdose Prevention in Maryland - Get Help Now!
Maryland Crisis Hotline 1-800-422-0009 24 Hours/7 Days a week
Maryland's Crisis Hotline provides support, guidance and assistance on how to access substance abuse and mental health crisis services. Callers will also be given information about naloxone, recovery support and family services as available/appropriate in the individual's local area.
#MDDestinationRecovery #NaloxoneWorks #KnowYourRisk
Overdose Education and Prevention at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Through partnership with the Montgomery County Overdose Response Program, Naloxone training is available to individuals incarcerated at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. Trainings to administer naloxone are currently held once a month and participants are eligible to receive a NARCAN kit upon release from custody as they return to the community. While this training is currently provided to participants of the Jail Addiction Services programs, the Department intends to increase the service reach to as many individuals as possible while in facility custody through the use of expanded resource materials and videos.
Department staff in selected areas at both the Montgomery County Correctional Facility and Montgomery County Detention Center received training on administering naloxone in the potential incidence of an overdose of an individual while entering the facility or while in custody.
Montgomery County Correctional Facility - Addiction and Recovery Programs
Montgomery County Jail Addiction Services (JAS) 240-773-9991
Jail Addiction Services (JAS) is a comprehensive jail-based treatment program designed to provide intensive addictions treatment to eligible inmates of the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. This program is a collaborative effort between The Montgomery County Department of Correction and The Department of Health and Human Services.
Overdose Education and Prevention at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Through partnership with the Montgomery County Overdose Response Program, Naloxone training is available to individuals incarcerated at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. Trainings to administer naloxone are currently held once a month and participants are eligible to receive a NARCAN kit upon release from custody as they return to the community. While this training is currently provided to participants of the Jail Addiction Services programs, the Department intends to increase the service reach to as many individuals as possible while in facility custody through the use of expanded resource materials and videos.
Department staff in selected areas at both the Montgomery County Correctional Facility and Montgomery County Detention Center received training on administering naloxone in the potential incidence of an overdose of an individual while entering the facility or while in custody.
Speak Up and Save a Life Presentations
A Multi-Agency Project of the Montgomery County Bar Association, State’s Attorney’s Office, Police Department, and Many Voices for Smart Choices to Educate Students, Families, and the Community regarding the Opioid/Prescription Drug Overdose Epidemic
Link: Speak Up and Save a Life Presentation Fact Sheet
Facility Self-Help Groups
In addition to the Jail Addiction Services treatment program units, the Montgomery County Correctional Facility offers SMART Recovery, Alcoholic Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous groups as additional opportunities for individuals to address their addiction and recovery. These are available weekly groups that individuals can request to attend through Inmate Services.
SMART Recovery www.smartrecovery.org
Narcotics Anonymous www.na.org