Minority, Female and Disabled-Owned Business Program​


In October 2021, the Council extended the County’s Minority, Female and Disabled-Owned Business (MFD) Program for two years by extending the sunset date of the program until Dec. 31, 2023. The program provides important support for minority-owned local businesses, which contribute to the vibrancy of the County’s economy and community.

The MFD program attracts and assists certified minority firms in gaining access to prime contractor and subcontractor opportunities with Montgomery County government agencies. The program also conducts outreach activities and workshops to provide a forum for businesses to explore individual and joint contracting opportunities.

The extension, which is part of Expedited Bill 29-21, provides funds for a disparity study to determine if the program should be extended further, and if it is extended, what it should look like in the future. The Office of Legislative Oversight estimated that this bill would have a net positive impact on economic conditions in the County by increasing the number of local companies receiving County contracts and would favorably impact racial equity and social justice in the County by narrowing the entrepreneurship gap by race and ethnicity.