Creating New Housing​


The County Council is actively working to enact legislation that contributes toward the County’s ambitious goal of creating 41,000 new housing units and 2 million square feet of commercial and retail development by the year 2030. ​

Here is how we will get there:​

The Council is working to meet the housing needs of its current and growing population. The County's population doubled from 1980 through 2020, and the Planning Department estimates that by 2050 the County will grow to more than 1.2 million people.​

According to the Montgomery County Housing Needs Assessment, home ownership among County residents with annual incomes under $150,000 for a family of four have declined steadily since 2010. Families making above this annual income have seen a continued rise in home ownership during the same period. ​

The widening gap points toward an increasing housing affordability crisis and a need for new housing among young and working families. While home ownership is often seen as a pathway to economic prosperity for families, stable housing is also is shown to reduce illness and healthcare costs, and for families with children, it is linked to improved achievement in school. ​