Environmental Safety
Fleet's safety program is a safety philosophy built on the belief that everyone of our staff members is a member of our family, with the dedication to caring about the wellbeing of all people that work in our facilities. Safety is more than a priority. It is a core value along with health, security and environmental performance.
It is no accident that we are known for our uncompromising commitment to working safely every day, on every job across the county. Safety is one of our fundamental values and is emphasized in all areas of the division.
Our program consists of simple measures such as a daily safety initiative by starting each work shift off with a toolbox safety message. In a more formal classroom setting group safety meetings are held every month in all locations for all shifts and staff which cover various OSHA work safety topics. Our safety culture focuses on keeping motivational messages and emotions at the forefront of everything we do, every day. Tapping into the emotional reasons to be safe has been a breakthrough.
Fleet’s Safety Committee, meets once per month to identify and evaluate hazards, design, or purchase of equipment, materials, and processes before change occurs. This dedicated group of volunteers serves as safety leaders in their work areas. They promote safe practices and collaborate to find solutions to safety issues. This is a proactive safety measure with committee members comprised of, the Safety Manager, Chief of Maintenance, the Division Chief, staff members from the floor and the County’s Safety Section of Risk Management.
Our employees are actively involved in maintaining safe work habits. Employees manage safety processes utilizing peer-to-peer observations of safe work habits. Because of our success in making safety a core cultural value rather than an ever-shifting priority, we are consistently recognized as a safety leader among our industry peers.
Some highlights of our program include:
- Purchasing environmentally-compliant vehicles, including flex-fuel, hybrid, compressed natural gas and clean diesel
- Reducing the use of larger-than-necessary vehicles such as SUVs and obtaining the most fuel- efficient vehicles available
- Motor Pool Management System
- Purchasing environmentally-preferable products for use in our operations
- Reducing energy use
- Reducing waste from our operations
- Reducing pollution in storm water runoff from our facilities
- Recycling of materials used in our operations
- Raising the environmental awareness of our staff & customers