Parking Contact Info
Address | 100 Edison Park Dr., 4th Floor,
Gaithersburg, MD 20878 |
Main Office | 240-777-8740 |
Fax | 240-777-8730 | |
Police Emergency | 911 |
Police Non-Emergency | 301-279-8000 |
Parking Permits | 240-777-8744 |
Parking Tickets | 240-453-0113 |
Broken Meters | 240-777-8740 |
240-777-2082 |
Click on News for the latest changes and updates within the Parking Lot Districts.
Silver Spring - Town Square Garage (Garage 61)
Address | 801 Ellsworth Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20910 |
Main Office | 240-777-8744 |
Fax | 301-565-7363 |
Hours | 7:30 am - 4:00 pm, Monday - Friday
(except county holidays ) |
Forms of Payment | Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa or Master Card |
Bethesda - Cheltenham Garage (Garage 42)
Address | 4720 Cheltenham Drive, Bethesda MD 20814 |
Main Office | 240-777-8770 |
Fax | 301-986-4325 |
Hours | 7:30 am - 4:00 pm, Monday - Friday
(except county holidays ) |
Forms of Payment | Cash, Check, Money Order, Visa or Master Card |
Type of parking permits sold (at both locations):
- PCS - Parking Convenience Sticker
- "AM/PM" Parking Permit
- Residential Parking Permit
- 30 Day Temporary Visitor Residential Permit