Accomplishments & Initiatives
International Parking Institute (IPI) Parking Matters ® Marketing & Communications Awards "Wheaton Revitalization Project"
MCDOT’s Division of Parking Management has won a 2018 International Parking Institute (IPI) award for outstanding marketing and communications programs for the Wheaton Revitalization Project, which is replacing a surface parking lot with a LEED Platinum office building, an underground parking garage, town square and first floor retail. Through an aggressive communications program, project managers are keeping the public and business community engaged and informed about the project and mitigating adverse impacts during construction.
Click here to read County Press Release.
National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for BIM360 Collaborative Hub - Best in Category
The Division of Parking Management, in collaboration with the Department of Transportation Engineering, established a cloud-based information repository for County-owned garages that includes designs; repairs; inspections; architectural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, storm water and sewage drawings; and other data. The repository can be accessed anytime and from anywhere.
Click here to read County Press Release.
For more information, visit NACo Awards site.
National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Wheaton Revitalization Project
The Division of Parking Management is leading a project to replace a surface parking lot with a LEED Platinum office building, an underground parking garage, town square and first floor retail. Through an aggressive communications program, project managers are keeping the public engaged and informed about the project.
Click here to read County Press Release.
For more information, visit NACo Awards site.
National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program
The Division of Parking Management supports the rapidly growing use of electric vehicles (EV) in Montgomery County. To serve this need, Parking Management has begun to integrate EV charging stations into suitable county-owned parking facilities. This has included installing dual port stations across all three of MCDOT’s managed Parking Lot Districts (PLDs): Bethesda, Silver Spring, and Wheaton. Roll out of this program was a 2-phase process, beginning with Bethesda’s Garage 31. Dual port Level 2 stations have now been installed across a total of 10 different county facilities, with plans to further expand the program to another three facilities by the end of 2018. This program also necessitated an update to the county code to accommodate EV charging stations. The goal is to provide this “green” vehicle infrastructure to meet current demand throughout the urbanized portions of the county with the ability to expand as demand for EV charging increases.
Click here to read County Press Release.
For more information, visit NACo Awards site.
MCDOT Parking Facilities Featured in February 2018 issue of Parking Professional Magazine
Three MCDOT Parking Facilities are featured in the Parking Professional Magazine in Categories "Equipment/Technology, Lot and a Honorable Mention"
To read the article, click here.
New Parking Payment System - Cameron Second Garage (Garage 7)
On September 25, 2017, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management modernized the Parking Payment System in the Cameron Second Garage in Silver Spring. The new payment system is now fully operational.
The current centralized Pay Stations will be removed and replaced with 16 centralized Pay Stations. The New Parking System uses Pay by Space and operates like a single space meter where the customer would have to estimate the time and pre pay prior to leaving to their destination.
Click here for more information.
MCDOT Park(ing) Day Featured in November 2017 issue of Parking Professional Magazine
MCDOT participarted in the annual Park(ing) Day event on September 15, 2017. by temporarily transforming a metered parking space into a fun, parklike spot.
To read the article, click here.
For more information about Park(ing) Day, visit PARK(ing) Day website.
"Smart" Parking Meters that Accept Credit Card Payment to be Installed in Wheaton
On or about June 14, 2017, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking will install approximately 400 meters expanding payment options for parking customers. Customers will be able to pay for parking using coins, credit cards and pay by cell.
Smart meters are currently operational with 820 on-street parking meters in Bethesda, and more than 1,100 on-street parking meters in Silver Spring.
Click here for additional information.
New Parking Payment System - Bonifant & Easley Lot (Lot 29)
On or about Tuesday, May 16, 2017, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management will modernize the Parking Payment System in the Bonifant & Easley Lot in Silver Spring.
The current "single space" parking meters will be removed and replaced with 4 centralized Pay Stations. The New Parking System uses Pay by Space and operates like a single space meter where the customer would have to estimate the time and pre pay prior to leaving to their destination.
Click here for more information.
New Parking Payment System - Kennett Street Garage (Garage 9)
On or about Tuesday, January 17, 2017, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management will modernize the Parking Payment System in the Kennett Garage in Silver Spring.
The current "single space" parking meters will be removed and replaced with 6 centralized Pay Stations. The New Parking System uses Pay by Space and operates like a single space meter where the customer would have to estimate the time and pre pay prior to leaving to their destination.
Click here for more information.
MCDOT Park(ing) Day Featured in November 2016 issue of Parking Professional Magazine
MCDOT participarted in the annual Park(ing) Day event on September 16, 2016 by temporarily transforming a metered parking space into a fun, parklike spot.
To read the article, click here.
For more information about Park(ing) Day, visit PARK(ing) Day website.
Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) DC Placemaker Award for Lot 31
Montgomery County owned parking lots known as Lot 31 was transformed into restaurants and retail, luxury condominiums and apartments, underground parking, and a pedestrian-friendly addition to the community, as part of a public private partnership between the county and developers StonebridgeCarras, PN Hoffman & SK+I Architecture.
For more information, visit CREW Washington DC Awards site.
National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Interactive Parking Map
Interactive parking map provides the public with a web based tool for accessing dynamic parking information. The map allows the public to conveniently find parking details including garage and parking meter locations, rates, hours, inventory, payment methods and real-time availability.
For more information, visit NACo Awards site.
Click here for County Press Release.
Best Real Estate Deal Perseverance Award from the Washington Business Journal "Lot 31 — The Darcy and The Flats at Bethesda Avenue"
Montgomery County owned parking lots known as Lot 31 was transformed into restaurants and retail, luxury condominiums and apartments, underground parking, and a pedestrian-friendly addition to the community, as part of a public private partnership between the county and developers StonebridgeCarras and PN Hoffman.
Click here to learn more.
National Public-Private Partnership (NCPPP) P3 Innovation Project Award "Lot 31 — The Darcy and The Flats at Bethesda Avenue"
More than a decade in the making, the joint venture of StonebridgeCarras and PN Hoffman worked closely with Montgomery County to redevelop two surface parking lots into a vibrant mixed-use development that addressed a critical shortage for public parking. The Lot 31 project features two residential buildings, The Darcy and The Flats at Bethesda Avenue, that combined have 250 units of housing, one-quarter of which are affordable units. The project also provided 40,000 square feet of retail, significant improvements to the adjacent Capital Crescent Trail and open space. The transit-oriented development reflects the latest concepts in sustainability and creative urban planning.
Click here to read NCPPP Press Release.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Parking Matters ® Marketing & Communications Awards "Campaign to Promote Parking Innovation"
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking’s website was redesigned in June 2015. As part of the marketing campaign, a web page was created to promote the parking innovations implemented by the Division. Each innovation is portrayed in the form of colorful posters.
Each poster is a clickable PDF document which has useful information and links to provide additional information about each innovation.
Click here to read County Press Release.
Click here to read IPI Press Release.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Awards of Excellence for Capital Crescent Garage (Garage 31) "Best Design of a Parking Facility with 800 or More Spaces"
The Capital Crescent Garage (Garage 31) in Bethesda is a four-level, below-grade garage provides 984 public parking spaces and 264 privately owned residential spaces, including six electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
Garage has a parking availability system that wirelessly tracks the number of available parking spaces on each garage level and displays the information outside every entrance and on each floor.
Click here to read County Press Release.
Click here to read IPI Press Release.
MCDOT Installs Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Four More Garages
Division of Parking Management now offers a new parking alternative for Electric Vehicles (EV) in downtown Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton.
Additional charging stations have been installed in Wayne Avenue (Garage 60), Town Square (Garage 61) and Bonifant-Dixon (Garage 5) in Silver Spring; and Auburn-Del Ray (Garage 36) in Bethesda.
Click here to read County Press Release.
Click here to learn more about EV Program.
New Parking Payment System - NOAA Garage (Garage 58)
On or around mid-April 2016, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management will modernize the Parking Payment System in the NOAA Garage (Garage 58) in Silver Spring. The current "single space" parking meters will be removed and replaced with 13 centralized Pay Stations.
The New Parking System uses Pay by Space and operates like a single space meter where the customer would have to estimate the time and pre pay prior to leaving to their destination.
Click here for more information.
Pay Stations Upgrade at Wayne Ave Garage (Garage 60) & Town Square Garage (Garage 61)
Automated Pay Stations (APS) were installed in Garages 60 & 61. Some of the features include:
- APS is a Pay-on-Foot pay station
- Multilingual high contrast LCD display for user instructions
- Illuminated navigation to guide customers step-by-step through the payment process
- Payment for parking using coins, bills, credit cards
"Smart" Parking Meters that Accept Credit Card Payment to be Installed in Silver Spring
Beginning the week of November 2, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Division of Parking Management will begin replacing more than 1,100 on-street parking meters in Silver Spring with new "smart" parking meter heads that expand payment options. The smart meters accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards in addition to coins or pay-by-cell phone. The changeover is expected to take about two weeks, weather permitting. Last year, MCDOT switched Bethesda’s on-street meters.
MCDOT expects to eventually replace all on-street meters in the County’s other two parking districts in Wheaton and Montgomery Hills. MCDOT is also assessing the best options for upgrading meters in lots and parking garages.
Click here for additional information.
MCDOT Installs Five More EV Charging Stations in County Garages
Division of Parking Management now offers a new parking alternative for electric vehicles (EV) in downtown Bethesda, Silver Spring and Wheaton.
Additional charging stations have since been installed in Garages 11 and 47 in Bethesda; Garages 7 and 9 in Silver Spring; and Garage 45 in Wheaton. Current plans call for more charging stations furnished in county garages in the coming months.
Click here for additional information.
National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award for Parking Guidance System Program
The purpose of Parking Guidance System program is to maximize the efficiency usage and management of available parking space supply by the strategic development of a comprehensive intelligent transportation and parking system in Montgomery County MD.
The program is designed to assist in the location of vacant parking garage spaces by directing drivers to the closest available garages and spaces by visually communicating availability to drivers. The goal is to minimize the search time for locating available parking, with related benefits to mitigating traffic congestion associated with searching for parking, improving garage utilization, supporting revenue growth, and reducing air pollution associated with automobile emission.
For more information, visit NACo Awards site.
Click here for County Press Release.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Parking Matters Award for Pedestrian Safety in Parking Lots
When Montgomery County officials reviewed the county's pedestrian collision data in 2013, they were startled to discover that pedestrian collisions in parking lots and garages had increased from 2010 to 2012, comprising 30 percent of all collisions and 18 percent of those collisions resulting in incapacitating injuries - about the same as occurred on county roads (20 percent). Clearly, the County's successful pedestrian safety program needed to add a focus on pedestrian collisions in parking lots. As a result, the county developed an education campaign that relied on forging partnerships with county retail parking lot owners and managers and educating the public with a variety of outreach tools.
For more information, visit IPI site.
Click here for County Press Release.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Award of Excellence for Woodmont Corner Garage (Garage 11)
Woodmont Corner Garage (Garage 11) won in the Best Parking Facility Rehabilitation or Restoration category for an extensive renovation began in 2003 that took more than two years to complete. A fixture in Bethesda since 1970, the Woodmont Parking Garage experienced major structural deterioration over the years. Floor slabs, elevators, stairs, electrical and plumbing systems were updated, and a more efficient Pay-on-Foot payment system was installed.
Click here for County Press Release.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Award of Excellence for Kennett Street Garage (Garage 9)
Kennett Street Garage (Garage 9) won in the Best Design of a Parking Facility with Fewer than 800 Spaces category.
For more information, visit IPI site.
International Parking Institute (IPI) Award of Merit for Metropolitan Garage (Garage 49)
Metropolitan Garage (Garage 49) won in the Best Design of a Parking Facility with 800 or More Spaces category.
For more information, visit IPI site.
Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Program
Keep Montgomery County Beautiful Program Ninth Annual Beautification Contest
Garage 2 - Spring Street, Silver Spring
Public Institutional - Level II, Buildings
Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce - Beautification Award
Silver Spring Chamber of Commerce Beautification Award
In appreciation of the Commitment to the Renaissance and Vitality of the Silver Spring Business Community with the Renovation of Garage #7