Garage 11 Operational Updates
Garage 11 New Hours for Public Parking
Effective on or about Monday, August 1, 2022, Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) will change the hours available for public parking in the Woodmont Corner Garage (Garage 11) in Bethesda. Parking for the public will be available all day on Saturdays, Sundays, and County Holidays, and limited to evenings after 6:00 pm Monday through Friday. No overnight parking will be permitted. Hours requiring payment will be 6:00pm-10:00pm Monday through Friday at the established hourly rate.
As part of the planning to incorporate an estimated 3,500 Marriott Corporate and Hotel staff to the Bethesda Parking Lot District, MCDOT conducted a Parking Demand Study in 2017 and determined that sufficient parking inventory was available. To take advantage of the proximity to Bethesda amenities, ease of access to MCDOT transportation solutions, and maximize use of this underutilized garage an agreement was made to secure parking payments from Marriott for their employees at Garage 11. This garage will therefore be limited to Marriott employees until 11 am M-F. Gates at the garage will prevent public access and egress from the garage and signage at the entrance will indicate whether it is available or closed to the public. These gates will be lifted automatically to allow the public to use the garage after 11 am on weekdays. Pay by Plate meter stations and Pay by Cell services will be available to pay for parking during operational hours.
As part of the Bethesda Parking Lot District’s 8,000 spaces in 9 garages, 9 surface Lots, and on-street parking, the County offers ample nearby solutions to the community’s daily parking needs. Nearest facilities to Garage 11 include the Metropolitan Garage 49 , the Cheltenham Garage 42 , and the Auburn – Del Ray Garage 36 .
Garage 11 Payment System Modernization
On February 1, 2022,
Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) updated the payment system in the Woodmont Corner Garage (Garage 11) in Bethesda. The existing pay on foot system will be replaced with a
pay by plate system
The new system will operate like metered spaces where customers estimate their duration and prepay prior to leaving for their destination.
Parking revenues go directly to the management, maintenance, and improvements of the parking programs and services. A portion also goes to supplement other County programs such as the Urban Districts which support streetscape improvements, lighting maintenance and clean-and-safe crews throughout the downtown areas.
Benefits of New Parking Payment System
- Allows for frictionless entries and exits without having to bypass a gate.
- Provides the opportunity to use Pay by Cell.
- Ability to add time at centralized pay stations or remotely through the mobile app.
How to use Pay by Cell
- Enter the facility's seven digit location zone number (3110001), enter your license plate, choose your duration and begin session.