New Parking Services Facility in Silver Spring
On or about Tuesday, March 6, 2018 Division of Parking Management will be starting construction of a new 11,500 square foot office and shop facility for the Parking Lot Districts’ Maintenance and Meter Units.
The building which will be on an existing parking lot will be up against the west wall of the County Spring and Cameron Garage (Garage #2) in Silver Spring. It will house 27 existing County employees and contractors who currently report to leased office space directly across from the garage as well as a shop on the ground level of a County garage at the south end of Silver Spring.
To accommodate this new construction, approximately 50 existing metered parking spaces will be permanently removed from the lot. Typically over 400 available spaces (out of 1,300 total) can be found inside the garage at any given time.
Additionally, the driveway exit to the lot at the north end of the garage (closest to Spring Street) will be permanently closed. Full movements will still be available at the Spring Street and Cameron Street driveways, as well as the driveway to the lot at the south end closest to Planning Place.
Work on site will begin in February with placement of both a chain link fence and silt fencing, followed by removal of the existing asphalt.

Tim O’Gwin, Capital Projects Manager
Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Division of Parking Management
100 Edison Park Drive, 4th Floor
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20878
Phone: 240-777-8740
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