ADA Accessible Parking
Accessible parking spaces are located in all parking lots and garages within the parking districts. Only vehicles displaying valid accessible parking tags or placards may park at a space reserved for people with disabilities.
Vehicles displaying valid accessible parking tags or placards may park at any short-term metered space in a garage, lot or on-street for double the time limit of that meter (maximum 4 hours). Valid ADA vehicles parked in a metered long-term on-street space (over 4 hours) may not exceed the duration of posted signs. Valid ADA vehicles parked in a long-term metered space in lots and garages may not be parked for more than 14 consecutive days, except when otherwise authorized by Executive order. For details on which facilities permit 14 consecutive day parking, parking availability, payment systems, rates and hours requiring payment, please visit the Bethesda Parking Facilities , Silver Spring Parking Facilities and Wheaton Parking Facilities pages.
Payment is not required for accessible vehicles parked at metered parking spaces.
For information about Pay by Space parking, click here.
For County’s ADA Notice, click here.
Contact the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration to obtain valid handicapped parking tags and special parking placards.
Summary of Accessible Parking spaces in the PLDs
Parking Lot District | ADA SPACES | ADA VAN SPACES |
Bethesda | 119 | 74 |
Silver Spring | 123 | 112 |
Wheaton | 34 | 11 |
Montgomery Hills | 2 | 3 |