March 18 is National Transit Employee Appreciation Day: Did you know that Ride On operates 7 days a week, has 80+ routes and employs 650 bus operators, transports approximately 65,000 riders daily; ranked 2nd nationally in a Transit App survey as a service most likely to be recommended to family and friends; and had a 20% ridership growth in 2024? Join us in celebrating the hard work and dedication of our employees.
Read about our Ride On, Metrobus, Metrorail, and MTA Commuter bus options for Federal Employees HERE.
Route 67 operates Monday-Friday, peak hours only: 5‑9 a.m. and 4‑8 p.m.
Route 67 Schedules (PDF), effective September 8, 2024
This route timetable can also be picked up at this location:
Nancy H. Dacek N. Potomac Comm Rec Center & Senior Center
13850 Travilah Rd
Rockville, MD 20850
Bike racks are available on all Ride On buses.
Plan your tripRoute 67 operates between these stops:
These are the destination signs shown on the top front and right side of the bus.
67 Shady Grove