Grading Permits Permit & Inspection Process

A Grading Permit is required to construct a new public roadway or to widen an existing public roadway. The construction must conform to the geometric design standard of a roadway to ensure that roadway grades are appropriate for the safe and efficient movement of vehicular traffic and that roadway sub-grades are sufficient for load-bearing and pavement longevity.
If the proposed grading is within the public right of way, a permit is required. If the proposed grading is in a state or municipal right of way, you must obtain a permit from that jurisdiction.
A sediment and erosion control permit is required. A soils report prepared by a geotechnical firm must be submitted to the Department of Transportation (DOT) lab for evaluation and approval. If the proposed work is within the existing roadway system, the applicant must also submit a site specific Temporary Traffic Control Plan(TTCP) to be approved by DOT.
All grading plans must be prepared, signed and sealed by a professional engineer, licensed to practice in the State of Maryland. All plans must be computer generated in proper scale, submitted along with a copy of the soils report. When submitting electronically you will need to meet the ePlans submittal requirements for Grading Permits.
Each plan review cycle will take approximately 2-3 weeks. Once the review is completed and plans are signed by DPS, the plan must then be signed by the Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC) and re-submitted to DPS. When all other required plans are approved, the applicant submits a complete permit package, pays the permit fee balance and posts the associated bond. The permit will be issued within 1-2 weeks.