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June, 2017 News
- 6-30-17 Bethesda Magazine: Apex Building Sidewalk and Road Closures Temporarily Lifted -- The Wisconsin Avenue blockages will return, however, state official says
- 6-30-17 MCDOT: FIVE WEEKEND LANE CLOSURES in July and August on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: 10:00 PM Friday thru 5:00 AM Monday; July 7-10; July 14-17; July 21-24l July 28-31; Aug. 4-7
- 6-30-17 Bethesda Magazine: Developers Push for More Housing Density in Grosvenor-Strathmore Plan -- Metro site offers rare chance to build new housing around transit station
- 6-30-17 Joint Base Andrews Gazette: PTSD treatment confronts the trauma behind the disorder
- 6-29-17 Frederick News-Post: New face coming to Fort Detrick garrison after ceremony on base
- 6-29-17 Maryland Reporter (Capital News Service): Maryland Divided Part 3: Blending old economy with new in Frederick and Harford counties -- The counties of Harford and Frederick also benefit from an enviable bit of stable government largesse — their biggest single employers are both military. Aberdeen Proving Grounds in Harford employs 21,000 and Fort Detrick in Frederick is responsible for 6,400 jobs, according the Maryland Department of Commerce
- 6-29-17 THE HILL: Congress must stop soft ‘earmarking’ in Pentagon spending bill
- 6-28-17 WMATA: Metro to test new waterproofing of Red Line tunnels -- In order to inject the curtain grouting into the Medical Center interlocking cavern, train service will need to be suspended on both tracks for four consecutive weekends. Free shuttle buses will replace Red Line trains between Grosvenor and Friendship Heights on the following dates: July 15-16, July 22-23, July 29-30, August 5-6.
- 6-28-17 United States Air Force: Healing from invisible wounds: The other side of the story
- 6-28-17 U.S. Dept. of Defense: Carderock sub races draw worldwide teams, promote STEM
- 6-28-17 Task & Purpose military and veterans blog: The Military Wants To Make Bases More Walkable Because Vehicles Are For The Weak
- 6-28-17 Bloomberg: Editorial -- Closing Bases Wouldf Strengtthen the UI.S. Military -- The Pentgaon Wants to cut costs, but the House won't let it
- 6-27-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: I-270 tolls, Metro among top Montgomery Co. transport priorities; Metro GM responds on Red Line issues
- 6-27-17 Bethesda Magazine: Metro Working on New Plan To Fix Leaking Red Line Tunnel -- Leaks in the problem-plagued tunnel stretching from Bethesda to D.C. led to Friday’s frustrating commute
- 6-27-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Montgomery Co. approves millions more for Silver Spring Transit Center fight
- 6-27-17 Bethesda Magazine: Montgomery County Is Much More Diverse than Rest of U.S. -- A New York Times calculator shows how long it will take for U.S. to ‘catch up’
- 6-27-17 Washington Post: Proposed bill would protect Montgomery burial sites from development
- 6-27-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Audit: Metro put millions of federal dollars at risk in failed Buy America program
- 6-26-17 Bethesda Magazine: Judge Denies State’s Request for Stay in Purple Line Lawsuit -- Stay would have allowed the state to access federal funds for the light-rail project
- 6-26-17 Washington Post: Judge rejects Maryland’s plea to start Purple Line construction during appeal
- 6-22-17 Bethesda Magazine: Maryland Asks Court of Appeals to Reinstate Federal Approval for Purple Line -- The state is asking the court to reverse a previous ruling that blocked federal funds for the light-rail project
- 6-22-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Purple Line money in limbo as Md. files emergency motion
- 6-26-17 WJLA/ABC7 TV (VIDEO REPORT): Neighbors: Lack of upkeep along Purple Line route
- 6-26-17 Joint Base Andrews Gazette: Air Force Medicine: Anytime, anywhere in the world
- 6-23-17 Washington Post: Montgomery extends hours for cycling on paved park trails
- 6-23-17 Bethesda Magazine: Stalled Transportation Projects Might Not Delay White Flint Development -- Planning board adds more flexibility to growth plan’s staging requirements
- 6-22-17 Bethesda Magazine: Parking Rates About To Climb in Downtown Bethesda -- Most hourly rates set to go up by 25 cents starting July 5
- 6-21-17 Navy Times: O-6 doctor cleared of sexual misconduct accusations retires -- A Navy captain who once commanded a trauma hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan, retired recently after a Board of Inquiry found him not guilty of a sexual assault that had allegedly taken place in 2012 at a professional conference. Three years ago, Navy Capt. Daniel Zinder saw his nomination to be a one-star admiral withdrawn amid a long and drawn out investigation into the alleged assault.
- 6-21-17 Bethesda Magazine: Is Another Round of Debate Brewing Over Building Heights Near Bethesda Homes? -- Council members consider limiting height bonuses for properties next to neighborhoods
- 6-21-17 FEDweek: Early Draft of DoD Budget Bill Would Deny Base Closings Request
- 6-20-17 Association of Defense Communities: 2017 State of Base Redevelopment Report
- 6-20-17 DeZeen magazine of architecture and design: Leo A Daly designs Maryland campus to help US intelligence agencies communicate better
- 6-20-17 Washington Post: Advertising may be coming to Capital Bikeshare bikes
- 6-20-17 Mobility Lab (Arlington County Gpvernment): Closing gaps in low-stress networks to bring bicycling to more people
- 6-20-17 Military Times: VA plans to close 430 buildings, freeze VBA office space
- 6-19-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Transit fare hikes, schedule changes to start across region
- 6-19-17 American Journal of Transportation: Maryland and Maryland DOT ratings unchanged despite risk to Purple Line project
- 6-19-17 Bethesda Magazine: Berliner, Korman Question Need for Six-Month Wisconsin Avenue Closures Near Apex Building Demolition -- Officials ask state to reexamine permit for limiting access along Wisconsin Avenue
- 6-19-17 Bethesda Magazine: Maryland Lawmakers Unveil Plan To Reform Metro Governance -- Proposal also calls for dedicated funding for the transit operator from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.
- 6-19-17 Baltimore Sun: Some bumps in the road for bus riders as BaltimoreLink hits city streets
- 6-19-17 THE HILL: Defense experts call on Congress to allow military base closures
- 6-18-17 Washington Post: Montgomery’s bill for Transit Center lawsuit: $10 million and counting
- 6-18-17 San Antonio Express-News: The bottom line on painful base closings -- San Antonio officials well know the potential pain and benefits of another BRAC round. The city lost two bases, Kelly AFB and Brooks AFB, and gained the San Antonio Military Medical Center in previous BRACs
- 6-17-17 Association of Defense Communities: State Of Support 2017: Highlights Of State Support For Defense Installations
- 6-16-17 MCDOT: WMATA's SafeTrack and Montgomery County -- No Metrorail Service Will be Provided June 17 to 25 Between Shady Grove and Twinbrook During Metro's SafeTrack Surge #16: Affected Red Line Passengers are Urged to Seek Alternatives
- 6-16-17 Bethesda Magazine: Planning Board Approves Proposal for 309 Homes at WMAL Tower Site -- Community members lobbied to save trees, add open space
- 6-16-17 MCDOT: Daytime Lane Closure on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: 9:00 AM thru 3:00 PM, Monday-Friday for up to four weeks, from June 19 thru July 14, 2017
- 6-16-17 Bethesda Magazine: Parks System To Oversee Plaza Project on Capital Crescent Trail -- New agreement estimates cost will total $500,000
- 6-15-17 MCDOT: Overnight Lane Closures on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: 10:00 PM thru 5:00 AM, Monday-Friday June 19 thru 23, 2017.
- 6-15-17 Bethesda Magazine: Judge in Purple Line Lawsuit Offers Little Hope for Maryland in Hearing -- Success of state’s attempt to have the judge issue a stay so it can secure federal funding for the project seems unlikely
- 6-15-17 Members of Congress Want Army to Hold Public Hearings on Zika Vaccine
- 6-15-17 Washington Times: Fort Meade to celebrate 100 years of secrecy, cybersecurity and military innovation
- 6-15-17 Bethesda Magazine: Metro GM Expects Ridership To Improve after SafeTrack Concludes -- Emergency maintenance program’s last surge takes place next week on Red Line in Montgomery County
- 6-15-17 Washington Post: Maryland to ask judge to allow Purple Line to proceed while court fight continues
- 6-15-17 Law Firm Newswire: VA Considers Closing Over 1100 Underused Facilities Nationwide
- 6-15-17 Arlington Now: Army Backs Out of Land Swap For Arlington Nat’l Cemetery Expansion
- 6-14-17 WAMU 88.5 FM: Washington Region Takes Baby Steps Towards Dedicated Funding For Metro
- 6-14-17 Fort Meade SoundOff: Notice of Availability of Draft Environmental Assessment -- The EA evaluates potential environmental, cultural and socioeconomic effects associated with the construction of several road changes including the construction of access control points, road widening, moving intersections, and changing signs and traffic signals at control points
- 6-14-17 MCDOT: Weekend Lane closures on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: Weekends of June 16-19 and June 23-26;10:00 PM Friday though 5:00 AM Monday both weekends.
- 6-14-17 FEDweek: Base Closings Plan Could Eliminate 26,000 DoD Jobs
- 6-13-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Montgomery Co.’s bus rapid transit plan gets rolling -- The Montgomery County Council has approved a resolution that would create a bus rapid transit, or BRT, route running from the Rockville Metro station to the Wheaton station
- 6-13-17 Urban Turf blog: New Renderings Revealed for Walter Reed’s Town Center
- 6-13-17 Mattis: Lawmakers in Congress Have Let Troops Down
- 6-12-17 Washington Post: Could nearly $70K in custom furniture purchases have factored into the departure of Maryland’s top transit official?
- 6-12-17 Bethesda Magazine: County’s Interactive Map Lets Cyclists Pinpoint Problem Zones -- Planning officials also take proposals for bike master plan on tour around county
- 6-12-17 FEDweek: DoD Says it Has Learned Its Lesson on Base Closings
- 6-12-17 MCDOT: Lane Closures on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: 9:00 AM thru 3:00 PM, Monday thru Friday, June 12-16, 2017
- 6-12-17 Richmond Magazine: Over Here -- Established a century ago to train doughboys for World War I, Fort Lee has become an integral part of the community
- 6-11-17 Frederick News-Post: Maryland infrastructure faces uncertain future in evolving Trump plan
- 6-10-17 Washington Post: Cyclists are told to use crosswalks, but Maryland law left them unprotected
- 6-9-17 Bethesda Magazine: Purple Line Plaintiffs Ask Judge Not To Allow Project To Proceed -- Filing claims project’s advancement would cause environmental harm; meanwhile judge releases memo explaining May ruling
- 6-9-17 ExecutiveGov: Lt. Gen. Gwen Bingham: Army Needs Another Round of Base Closures
- 6-9-17 U.S. Dept. of Defense: Carderock employees accept technical director’s challenge to innovate
- 6-8-17 MCDOT: Lane closures on Rockville Pike in Bethesda at NIH/Walter Reed: 10:00 PM Friday, June 9 through 5:00 AM Monday, June 12, 2017
- 6-8-17 Bethesda Magazine: Development Proposal for WMAL Site Headed Before Planning Board -- Toll Brothers wants to construct 309 homes in Bethesda just off Greentree Road
- 6-8-17 Military Technologies: Incoming NIU President Discusses Academic and Leadership Philosophy
- 6-7-17 Bethesda Magazine: JBG Spokeswoman: Developer Moving Forward With 17-Story Project in Downtown Bethesda -- Wisconsin Avenue project doesn’t yet have set timeline, she says
- 6-7-17 Military Times: Meet the seven military men and women training to be NASA's next astronauts
- 6-7-17 Defense Officials to Lawmakers: Let Us Close Bases
- 6-6-17 Washington Post: Maryland replaces transit chief amid Purple Line uncertainty and just before Baltimore bus launch
- 6-6-17 Bethesda Magazine: State Asks Judge To Stay Order in Purple Line Case To Allow Project To Progress -- Motion asks for court ruling by Friday
- 6-5-17 THE HILL: VA to use same electronic health record system as military
- 6-4-17 WTOP 103.5 FM: Revitalization project in Wheaton gets official kick off
- 6-2-17 Frederick News-Post: New documentary shares unknown details about human disease experiments at Fort Detrick
- 6-1-17 Bethesda Magazine: Opinions Differ on How To Go From ‘Like’ to ‘Love’ With Proposed Bethesda Design Guidelines -- County planners are preparing working draft to release in July
- 6-1-17 Defense Intelligence Agency: New National Intelligence University President Announced -- NIU is an accredited federal degree-granting institution whose main campus recently relocated to Bethesda
- 6-1-17 WMATA: Metro prepares for life after SafeTrack – including resumption of normal rush-hour commutes – through more robust preventive maintenance and capital program
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