MCDC Advisory Committee

Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee

Montgomery County Detention Center

The purpose of the neighborhood advisory committee is to organize a community based committee to work with the Warden and staff of the Montgomery County Detention Center as it evolves into a receiving and discharge hub for those committed to the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. The committee is a vehicle between the community and the Detention Center to keep everyone informed of the changes that come with construction during the different Phases of the Reuse Project.

During the meeting we address issues and concerns of the surrounding neighborhood/community, thus assuring the community security will be maintained in all phases. The MCDC management team welcomes feedback from committee members on their concerns with relation to this project. The MCDC Reuse Project is in the last of the design phase. Upon completion it will become a Criminal Justice Center with components of all law enforcement agencies in the county. The facility will also have a Training Section for Correctional Staff.

The Advisory Committee meetings start at 7:30 p.m. and end at approximately 9:00 pm. and are held at the Montgomery County Detention Center, Administrative Conference Room.

Contact : Frederick Abello, Warden 
Address: 1307 Seven Locks Road, Rockville, Maryland 20854 | Telephone: (240) 777-9962​ | Directions |  Bus Schedule

The minutes are posted on the county web site so citizens in the community can learn about the work of community corrections and so others may comment and participate in discussions of the work completed in this Division of the Department of Correction and Rehabilitation. Everyone is welcome to attend the Rockville Neighborhood Advisory Committee Meetings. Special meetings may be schedule as needed.

Click to view 2003- 2006 |  Archive Quarterly Meeting News 

Community Advisory Board Minutes
2009 2008 2007
April January January
  April April