Facility Reservation - Montgomery County Public Libraries
Meeting rooms in the Montgomery County Public Library system provide an opportunity for bringing together county resources, community activities, support groups, etc.. The rooms provide space for meetings, training, and seminars of a civic, cultural or educational nature.
Room capacity, hours, and facilities differ by branch. Pianos are available in the meeting rooms at the Chevy Chase, Connie Morella (Bethesda), Gaithersburg, Kensington Park, Marilyn J. Praisner, Rockville Memorial, and Twinbrook branches. Please use the information provided on this web page to reserve a Library room.

Public Library Room Reservation Information
Room Fees
Room Type
Local Government Agencies
Hourly Rate |
Non-Profit Groups * Hourly Rate |
For-Profit Groups Hourly Rate |
Small Room
Medium Room
Large Room
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I hold weekly business meetings in a library meeting room?
Commercial, enterprise or for-profit organizations may not use libraries to conduct their regular or ongoing business affairs.
Do I need to show a copy of my permit?
If asked by library staff, you should have a paper or electronic copy of the permit to verify use of the space.
When can I come in before my meeting to set up the room?
The user group is responsible for set-up before an event and clean-up following an event . Set-up and clean-up time MUST be factored into the total booking time . Groups will not be allowed in early and all members must vacate the library meeting room by the time noted on the user permit.
Can I serve food?
Only light refreshments/snacks and/or beverages (no heated meals) are allowed in the library meeting rooms. No alcoholic beverages of any kind are permitted on County property. The County does not furnish coffee urns, dishes or other equipment. All rooms are to be left in the condition and arrangement in which they are found. Groups are responsible for cleaning up after their meeting, emptying trash and returning furniture to how it was originally found. Your group will be charged extra if additional clean-up or trash removal is necessary.
Can I collect donations to offset the cost of my meeting?
All meetings must be free and open to the public. No monies are to be exchanged in the library meeting space.
How do I pay for my permit?
Log into your Active Montgomery account and access to paying for your permit(s) will be located under Payment Details .
Which libraries have pianos for public use?
Pianos are available at Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Gaithersburg, Kensington Park, Marilyn J. Praisner, Potomac, Rockville and Twinbrook branches. A $25 fee, via check made payable to Friends of the Library, Montgomery County, is required on your permitted date and contributes toward the cost of ANNUAL piano tuning. The Library Department does not guarantee that the piano will be tuned prior to each recital.
Are library meeting rooms available for other types of musical recitals?
In addition to piano recitals, several branches are now available to host string instruments and voice recitals. Please call (240) 777-2709 if you have specific questions on which branches are available for use.
Is WiFi available?
All libraries provide WiFi access to the public. Users agree to comply with Montgomery County Public Library’s Computer, Internet, and Wireless Use Policies: http://montgomerycountymd.gov/library/policies/computers.html
Is there a projector and/or microphone available for use?
Libraries do not provide laptops, audio visual, public address systems, etc. but most meeting rooms have a projection screen available for use. Groups may not store equipment in libraries between meetings. Cables and other peripherals must also be supplied by the customer.
How do I know if the library is open during inclement weather?
If you wish to find out about weather related closings, please:
- Sign-up for Alert Montgomery: https://alert.montgomerycountymd.gov/
- Check the MCPL website: http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/library/
- Check our website: www.montgomerycountymd.gov/cupf
- Call the CUPF inclement weather message line: 240-777-2710
- Contact the MC311 call center: Dial 3-1-1 (240-777-0311 if outside Montgomery County)
- Tune to local TV and Radio stations
Please note that if community use is cancelled by CUPF, a full credit of the rental fees for the hours cancelled will be issued. However, please be advised that while all users can certainly make their own choices whether or not to cancel their activities, it is only when activities have been officially cancelled by this office that credits will be issued.
Facility Fee Assistance Program
For information and how to apply to the Facility Fee Assistance Program, please visit the Facility Fee Assistance Program web page.
Activity Restriction
- To be eligible to use a Montgomery County Library meeting room all meetings must be free and open to the public-private events such as birthday parties, weddings, receptions, etc. are not permitted in libraries.
- Light snacks and beverages are permitted in the meeting room only; meals and heated foods are not allowed.
- Please review the Community Use of County Facilities User Guidebook and Facility use License Agreement prior to applying for use.
Reservation Submission Window
Agency/Group Type | Window 1 for use Jan 1 - June 30 |
Window 2 for use July 1 - Dec 31 |
Government Agencies | Submit beginning September 15th | Submit beginning March 15th |
Local Non-profit groups | Submit beginning October 15th | Submit beginning April 15th |
Out-of-County Non-profits Commercial/For-profit groups |
Submit beginning November 1st | Submit beginning May 1st |
Public Library Branches and Room Information
Current MCPL Construction Projects