Health in All Polices, Montgomery County MD banner

Why Does it Matter?

As our communities grow, so do the factors resulting in increasingly complex problems. Therefore, it has become even more important to increase collaboration among multiple agencies to improve efficiency in identifying community issues and to reduce costs while enhancing population health outcomes. Sometimes, policies do not fully consider health and, as a result, they do not always address the needs of the community. This is why adopting a Health in All Policies approach is imperative. Health in All Policies (HIAP) is an innovative approach to address the increasingly separate government structures, rising healthcare costs, growing inequities, and the impact of social determinants of health. 4,5

Since 2008, the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has strategically focused its efforts on establishing Equity as a foundational value for its work. As a result, we are constantly aiming to improve the health and well-being of Montgomery County residents. By implementing a Health in All Policies approach we will be able to identify ways multiple sectors affect health, and how we can better support the achievement of health promotion goals from multiple sectors. 6

Health Equity

Health Equity is a fundamental component of social justice that indicates the absence of avoidable, unfair, or remediable differences among groups of people due to their social, economic, demographic, or geographic circumstances. 7

Montgomery County is committed to promoting health equity through the development of inclusive plans, policies, and regulations that serve all community members and reduce or eliminate disparities. Our aim is to approach planning practices with a comprehensive equity perspective to tackle current inequalities and prevent the emergence of new ones. 1

Equity image


Image description: The image is divided into two parts. The upper part shows equality, in which an individual with a wheelchair, a very tall individual, an average sized individual, and a child, all have the same bicycle to use. Everyone, except for the average sized individual, are all trying to use the bicycle unsuccessfully. The lower part shows equity, in which everyone has a bicycle that is tailored to their ability and size, and everyone is using their bicycle successfully.

Equality and Equity


Image description: The image is divided into two parts. The left part shows equality, in which everyone gets the same, regardless of if it’s needed or right for them. The example shown is people of different abilities trying to cross the street. Some are unable to cross the street safely. The right part shows equity, in which everyone gets what they need, understanding the barriers, circumstances, and conditions of everyone. The example shown is people of different abilities crossing the street safely and according to their ability.

4Health in all policies - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization. (n.d.).

5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019). Health in All Policies. 

6Montgomery County - Department of Health and Human Services - Equity. (n.d.). Retrieved June 10, 2024,  from Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services

7 Health Equity - PAHO/WHO | Pan American Health Organization. (n.d.).