Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Resources

The following list provides an overview of LEP resources, that includes language resources, communication tools, a list of LEP contacts and external links to LEP-related websites. County employees can use these resources to enhance their service for LEP individuals.

Interpretation and Translation Services
(for County Employees)

Montgomery County uses both internal (bilingual County employees and volunteers) and contractors to provide translation and interpretation services.
Read More about Internal Language Resources
Read More about Contracted Language Resources


Communication Tools

A number of tools can enhance communications between County employees and LEP individuals 

View the List of Communication Tools

Contact Information

Access the  List of LEP Department Liaisons

For General Language Access Issues of Policy: [email protected] 
For Bilingual Testing, Certification and Staff Training:
Office of Human Resources, Anita Brady:  240-777-5066
For Contracting and Vendor Issues:
HHS, Luis Martinez, 240-777-1864