Department Liaisons
The Department Liaisons are designated staff members by the department directors to ensure each department's compliance with the federal guidelines and County policy on language access for persons with LEP. Key responsibilities of the Department Liaison include developing a written plan for the department, ensuring proper staff training, communicating to the management and staff about language access expectations and measurements, assessing the department's capacity in providing language assistance, collecting applicable LEP data, and reporting work progress and issues related to serving the LEP population.
- Jacqueline Arnold - Agricultural Services
- Jocelyn Rawat - Alcohol Beverage Services
- Maria Anselmo - Animal Services and Adoption Center
- Gilberto Zelaya - Board of Elections (BOE)
- Jodi Finkelstein - Commission for Women (CFW)
- Alexis Roundtree - Community Engagement Cluster (CEC)
- Shawn Ellis - Community Partnerships
- Derek Ross - Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF)
- Maggie Garay - Consumer Protection
- Andrea Kelly-Walker- Correction and Rehabilitation (DOCR)
- Diane Kilcoyne - County Attorney’s Office (OCA)
- Taleah Parker - County Executive's Office (CEX)
- Mara Parker - Emergency Management and Homeland Security
- Cindy Pena - Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Ana Arriaza - Environmental Protection (DEP)
- Alpa Vaghani - Finance
- Frantz Pinthiere - Fire/Rescue Service (FRS)
- Juan Cruz - Food Systems Resilience
- Tracie Quander - General Services (DGS)
- Julien Labiche - Gilchrist Immigrant Reource Center
- Angela Comer - Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Karen Gutierrez - Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Berenice Castillo - Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA)
- Denise Thomas - Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA)
- Sam Frushour - Human Resources (OHR)
- Anis Ahmed - Human Rights (HRC)
- Wanda Wells - Intergovernmental Relations (IGR)
- Ryan Mariategue - Labor Relations
- Natasha Wilkerson - Management and Budget Office (OMB)
- Julia Crespin-Bermudez - MC311
- Sonya Burke - Permitting Services
- Bethany Manimbo - Procurement
- Eric Stancliff - Police
- Lorna Virgili - Public Information Office (PIO)
- Clotilde Puertolas - Public Libraries (LIB)
- Harrita Shangarai - Racial Equity and Social Justice
- Carlos Falcon - Recreation
- Thomas "TJ" Dant – Regional Service Center – Bethesda-Chevy Chase
- Ayanna King - Regional Service Center - East County
- Talia Beaulieu-Hains - Regional Services Center – Mid-County
- Nahom Tekle - Regional Services Center - Silver Spring
- Jake Adler - Regional Services Center, Sidney Kramer - Up-county
- Susanne Brunhart-Wiggins - Technology and Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS)
- Emily DeTitta - Transportation
- Faith McNeill - Volunteer Center