Montgomery Connects is the County’s digital equity and inclusion program. Our goal is for every resident and business to be part of our shared digital world. We work to achieve this by helping people to get access to computer devices, needed technology training, affordable home broadband services and subsidies, and public WiFi access points. Montgomery Connects is powered by the Department of Technology & Enterprise Business Solutions (TEBS) and part of the Office of Broadband Programs.
Senior Planet MoCo | MoCoNet
What is Montgomery Connects?
Watch this short video about Montgomey Connects to learn about what we do, what we offer, and the great things we've been doing to benefit residents in need throughout the County.
Rural: Closing the Last Mile Gap
Montgomery Connects aims to ensure that all homes and businesses located in the county’s rural Ag Reserve have access to high-speed broadband at home. Under the Montgomery Connects initiative, the Ag Reserve has been surveyed and gaps in broadband infrastructure have been identified. Montgomery Connects partners with both federal, state and private internet service providers to fund and construct the fiber needed to close the last mile broadband gap.

Senior Planet Montgomery
Successfully leaping the digital divide requires every resident to have the digital literacy skills and confidence to successfully navigate the internet and use popular apps such as Zoom, Google work suite and more. Senior Planet Montgomery, a joint initiative between Montgomery Connects and powered by OATS of AARP, offers both online and in person classes for adults ages 60 and over to learn new online skills. Training classes include how to save money, use video conferencing and Google Office products, online athletic classes and more.
MoCoNet is an innovative initiative of Montgomery Connects in which Montgomery County constructs and brings free, high-speed internet over fiber to individual affordable housing communities. Features include in-home WiFi connectivity, security and other enhanced services, all powered in a partnership with Plume, a company that shares the County’s digital equity focus.