
Learn about how to find affordable housing for seniors, Senior tax credit programs, and other housing-related help/programs provided by Montgomery County. You can also learn about the villages in Montgomery County and how to build accessible homes.

On this page

Tax Credit Programs for Seniors

Name Description
Homeowner Tax Credit Homeowners with modest income and assets may qualify for a tax credit. The application deadline is October 1. Qualified homeowners who are age 60+ also receive a 50% matching Tax Credit from Montgomery County. If you have questions, call 410-767-5900

For more information about additional property tax credits and exemptions see Property Tax Credit and Exemption Information and Senior Tax Credit Programs.
Renters Tax Credit
Renters who pay high monthly rent relative to their total income may qualify for a tax credit (a check of up to $1,000) paid by the state of Maryland. The application deadline is October 1. You might qualify if your household income last year was below a certain amount and you are either age 60+, or you are under age 60 with children under age 18, or you are 100% disabled. To apply by October 1:
  • Visit the Renters Tax Credit application website to apply online
  • If you have questions, contact the Maryland Renters' Tax Credit Program by sending an email to: sdat.renters@maryland.gov
Montgomery County’s Renters Tax Credit is managed by Maryland and enhanced by Montgomery County. Renters who qualify will receive one check from Maryland and another from Montgomery County. Checks from Montgomery County are mailed once a year.

Note: Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs is ensuring the safety of rental housing by inspecting a sample of each multifamily rental property in the County by July 2019. If you have any concerns, call “311” or 240-777-0311 to learn how Montgomery County can provide renters free, confidential, anonymous help with ensuring housing safety, mediating conflicts, and advocating for tenants.
Property Tax Deferral If you are age 65 years or older and your family income is less than about $80,000, you may be eligible to defer the increase in the County Property Tax portion of your bill. Check  montgomerycountymd.gov/seniordeferral.

Finding affordable housing for Seniors

  1. Housing for Seniors through HOC

    Housing for Seniors by HOC manages three Moderately Priced Rental Apartment Communities for persons over 62 years of age who have moderate income. The programs on this site provide housing specifically for people with disabilities. You can learn about additional Affordable Housing Options available through HOC. Reach out to HOC’s Call Center for more information: 240-627-9400.

  2. Rental Marketplace

    Rental Marketplace is a new way for the public to search and view information about location, property-level rent levels, and unit sizes reported to the County by each multifamily apartment property – including senior living apartment communities. The public can visit the Rental Marketplace website to view rental property information which the County collects annually from apartment building managers. Site visitors also can find local amenities such as bus stops, parks, libraries, recreation centers, and stores. 
     After identifying properties of interest, individuals can contact each property to learn about the current availability of units and rents. The County is pleased to offer this resource to help residents connect with rental housing opportunities.

  3. Guide to Positive Living Sourcebook

    Guide to Retirement Living which is currently published as the Positive Aging SourceBook was founded by Steve Gurney in 1990 to provide individuals, families, and professionals with the most comprehensive listing of every retirement community, assisted living, nursing and rehab center and home care option in the DC, Northern Virginia and Suburban Maryland.

Villages in Montgomery County

Little Falls Village member
  • Villages are local, volunteer-led organizations that support community members aging in place.
  • They foster social connections through activities and coordinate help at home using a " neighbors helping neighbors" model.
  • Montgomery County has about two dozen villages, either active or in development.
  • Villages organize community events like book clubs, walking groups, knitting clubs, guest speakers, and outings.
  • Each village is designed by local community members to reflect their interests and needs.
  • Villages may focus on serving older residents or take an intergenerational approach.
  • Some villages charge a membership fee, while others are all-volunteer and free of charge.
  • For more information, visit Montgomery County Village.

Design For Life - Building Accessible Homes

Design for Life Montgomery is the first voluntary certification program in Maryland for Visit-Ability and Live-Ability in single family attached and detached homes located in Montgomery County. The guidelines apply to both new construction and renovation. Please see the web site below for further information. 

The Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS) has launched a revised Design for Life (referred to as "DFL" or "Design for Life") Incentive Program intended to increase the stock of visitable and livable housing in Montgomery County through tax incentives, promotion of Design for Life principles and businesses engaged in providing housing that meets Design for Life standards and through collaboration with stakeholder partners.

Montgomery County Housing Related Programs

Name Description
Energy Efficiency Program Eligible homeowners can apply for the Montgomery County Homeowner Energy Efficiency Program . This program, established by Montgomery County, supports energy efficiency upgrades for eligible County homeowners. Eligibility is limited to those who live in their home, are customers of PEPCO or Washington Gas, and qualify based on household income.
Home Accessibility Rehabilitation Program (HARP) HARP (Home Accessibility Rehabilitation Program) is a free program designed to assist people with renovating their homes to make them more accessible to older adults or those with disabilities. While there are income limits to the program, older adults and disabled individuals of any age can qualify. Work will be performed by local non-profit groups Habitat for Humanity or Rebuilding Together.
Home Sharing Home Sharing with HIP is an innovative idea where homeowners offer spare rooms or Accessory Dwelling Units in their home for rent to home seekers searching for affordable, healthy and safe housing. Home sharing can reduce social isolation, create monthly income for homeowners, and offer new affordable housing options for home seekers.
Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit Program (MPDU) Moderately Priced Dwelling Units (MPDUs) are affordably priced homes – both new and resale – offered to first-time homebuyers who have a moderate level of household income.
Rental Assistance Program (RAP) Rental programs assist individuals with rental costs for households that meet program eligibility criteria, such as age, income, disability, need, or other requirements. RAP assists low-income families pay their rent. The Handicapped Rental Assistance program helps low-income disabled individuals with support towards rental expenses in licensed care facilities.
Senior Assisted Living Subsidy Program The Senior Assisted Living Subsidy (SALS) Program helps qualified residents pay for care in assisted living facilities in Montgomery County. Facilities must be licensed by the State of Maryland and Montgomery County to provide assisted living care. The facilities must also agree to enroll as participants in the Subsidy program should one of their residents qualify for a subsidy.
Voluntary Rent Increase Guidelines The Voluntary Rent Guideline, which is established annually by the County Executive, is based on the rental component of the Consumer Price Index for the Washington Metropolitan Area and it is updated each year.
Weatherization Program Home Energy Program applications can be completed online at MyDHR. Paper applications and a document drop box is also available at 1301 Piccard Drive, 4th floor, Rockville. Document drop-off boxes are also located at each of the housing stabilization offices. Phone appointments may be requested by calling 240-777-4450.

For Information or to Report Abuse, Call 240-777-3000