
Elderly lady safely riding a stair elevator.

The “Red Flags” of Abuse for Elder/Vulnerable Adults

Neglect, Financial Exploitation and Physical/Sexual Abuse

If you have a concern about any of these types of abuse, contact:
Adult Protective Services at 240-777-3000 or the Crisis Center at 240-777-4000.
You do not need to prove that abuse is occurring; it is up to the professionals to investigate the suspicions.
If someone is in a life-threatening situation or immediate danger, call 9-1-1. These are various indications of possible abuse:

Physical and Social Signs of Abuse or Neglect

  • Insufficiently explained burns, cuts, wounds, black and blue marks, bruises or welts. Unusual injuries
  • Unexplained sexually transmitted diseases 
  • Lack of basic hygiene, adequate food, or clean and appropriate clothing 
  • Lack of medical aids (glasses, walker, teeth, hearing aid, medications)
  • Undernourishment, dehydration 
  • Untreated medical condition such as pressure or “bed” sores 
  • Person confined to bed is left without care  
  • Isolated, little outside contact 
  • Home cluttered, filthy, in disrepair, or having fire and safety hazards.

Financial Signs of Abuse/Exploitation

  • Unusual bank account activity 
  • Change in spending habits 
  • Signature on checks does not match 
  • Unpaid bills
  • Lack of amenities victim could afford
  • Caregiver has control of elder’s money but is failing to provide for elder’s needs
  • Victim giving uncharacteristically excessive financial reimbursement/gifts for care and companionship

Elder/Vulnerable Adult Abuse Task Force (EVAATF)

Montgomery County agencies offer many excellent programs to protect and improve the safety of Seniors. County created a Montgomery County Elder/Vulnerable Adult Abuse Task Force (EVAATF) whose members include: The Montgomery County State’s Attorney’s Office, Montgomery County Department of Police, the County’s Department of Health and Human Services and Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service and Office of the County Attorney.

  • Find more information from senior summit ( pdf)

Safety Resources for Seniors