Caregiving Support

Caregiving support.

Every day as a caregiver you experience joys and challenges. All caregivers benefit through: practical guidance, emotional support and as needed: connection with skilled providers. In Montgomery County there are helpful supports available through government, non-profit organizations and private businesses.

Caregiver support is a vital part of our community.

On this page

Commonly Asked Questions

Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services

  • Visit Montgomery County Aging and Disability Services to find out about senior services available in your community. If in doubt, call us!
  • Call 240-777-3000 (or Maryland Relay at 711)
  • Hours:
    • Monday – Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
    • Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until 7:30 pm
  • Bilingual staff and translator services are available.

Video Resources

Did You Know? - Cargiving Support Video

Did You Know - Episode 67 - we talk about the many aspects of caregiving in Montgomery County Maryland.

Caregiving & Dementia Education Video Series

Understanding Responsive Behaviors Part 1

Watch Part 2 on YouTube

Engage@Home Videos

Engage@HOME is a new YouTube Channel from Montgomery County’s Caregiver Support program. We spotlight non-commercial and trusted virtual opportunities to help viewers NEST WELL through community engagement.

View the Engage@Home Video Playlist

Helpful Programs, Organizations, and Websites for Seniors

Name Description
Alzheimer’s Association Online Community Share your thoughts and needs with other caregivers. This site offers information and support from people who are in similar situations.
Connect-A-Ride - (301-738-3252) Access this free, County-funded information and referral program that helps seniors, 50+, and adults with disabilities find transportation for medical services, grocery shopping, errands, and other needs.
Connect-A-Ride staff provides guidance for those applying for Metro Access and Call N Ride and those seeking paid and volunteer escorted transportation services.
Find out if you qualify for programs with financial subsidies.
Eldercare Locator The Eldercare Locator is a nationwide service that connects older Americans and their caregivers with trustworthy local support resources.

Since 1991, the Eldercare Locator has been linking those who need assistance with state and local agencies on aging, as well as community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers. Whether help is needed with services such as meals, home care, or transportation, or a caregiver needs training and education or a well-deserved break from caregiving responsibilities, the Eldercare Locator is there to point that person in the right direction. The Eldercare Locator is a public service of the Administration on Aging (AoA), an agency of the U.S. Administration for Community Living.
Family Caregiver Alliance This website provides advice, fact sheets, disease information, and access to online discussion groups and audio presentations.
Lotsa Helping Hands Free website for coordinating a group of family and friends to help with various tasks. Caregivers set up a members-only community and then post jobs on the website’s calendar, such as providing a ride to the doctor or doing laundry. E-mail is sent to the community members to alert them to new tasks.
Montgomery County's Dementia Friendly Initiative Montgomery County’s Dementia Friendly America initiative was adopted in 2015 and in early 2016 we formed an Action Team (advisory group). This Action Team represents public-private stakeholders, meets quarterly, and provides guidance and assistance. The Action Team is supported by workgroups including Public Safety, Communications, and Continuum of Care.
Our first project was initiated by the Public Safety workgroup and its departmental leaders (Police and Fire & Rescue) and featured enhancements to community education and resources. All County first responders are now trained to be Dementia Friendly. Followed by the Continuum of Care workgroup developing the County’s Speakers Bureau to provide Dementia-Friendly Business training for customer service staff.
National Alliance for Caregiving Established in 1996, the National Alliance for Caregiving is a non-profit coalition of national organizations focused on improving the lives of family caregivers. Alliance members include grassroots organizations, professional associations, service organizations, disease-specific organizations, government agencies, and corporations.
US Government - Caregiver Resources & Long-Term Care Family caregivers play an important role in the lives of their loved ones. In-home assistance, community programs, or residential facilities enable you to stay active and accomplish everyday tasks. There are many resources available to help older adults continue to live in their homes and participate in their communities.

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