
Man and women hiking on a beach.

Staying engaged and active is key to living well. Montgomery County boasts a wide range of recreational activities, parks, cultural events, and opportunities for creativity.

On this page

Walking, Hiking and Biking Opportunities

Montgomery Parks

Check out descriptions of individual Montgomery Parks and what you can find at each one.

Find Parks with Trails

National Parks

National Parks located in Montgomery County also has hiking trails. Find more about other types of trails below:

Bike Map

The Bike Map link is an interactive map that provides trail details. Once the link is clicked, please give the site a chance to load and the paths will be displayed.

Join trail planners from Montgomery County, Md., Dept. of Parks to learn about the trail system, volunteering, safety and upcoming trails.

Adult Sports Opportunities

Not all programs listed here are age 50+; please choose what works for you. For general Questions About Sports Leagues: Call 240-777-6870

Join or organize a team for league play:

Senior Recreation Programs

Whether you’re interested in the arts, adult swim, basketball, cooking, dance, fitness (even water fitness), golf, guitar, pottery, strength training, tai chi, tap dancing, tennis, yoga, and more, you might well find something you'll like.   Many activities are free or low cost.

Find classes and register

active montgomerySome recreation activities are accessed with a yearly pass, which are available at reduced fees for residents age 55 and older.  
Review all your options to purchase an annual pass.
You have several options, including the “Total Rec” membership that includes swimming, exercising, basketball games and more; the “Fit n’ Play” pass for exercise buffs; the “Gym Rat” pass for those interested mainly in pick-up games; the “All Pool” pass and the “Summer Swim” pass for swimmers; and the “Senior Sneakers” pass. 

As you’ll see, one of the most economical fitness options is the  Senior Sneakers  pass, which costs $50/year for County residents who are age 55 or older. It’s good for access to any Community Center Exercise Room and Open Gym during center open hours. It’s the perfect pass for the boomer or senior who wants to work out and stay fit!

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