Gude Remediation Project - Basis of Design Documents and Schedule

Design Documents and Schedule

30% Progress

60% Progress

90% Progress

100% Progress

Gude Master Plan for Passive Reuse

In collaboration with environmental engineers, the owner, and various stakeholder groups, Floura Teeter directed the landscape master planning effort for the development of the 162-acre former Gude Landfill site into a publicly accessible open space. Following engineer-led design of the remediation and installation of the landfill cap system, this parcel will become an environmental and recreational asset to the surrounding community.

Within the parameters of cap protection, the open space will offer a generous trail network, dog play area, children’s nature play, 9-hole Disc Golf course, environmental art/sculpture; educational and wayfinding signage; and native meadow with habitat creation and enhancement. The preferred concept includes a potential future 25-acre solar field.

Landscape Architectural Services include preparation of a Comparative Analysis of potential land use activities evaluated on a scale of low to high suitability across a set of metrics; a series of Adjacency Studies and Concept Plan Alternatives; and development of a Preferred Concept Alternative and Summary Report. Community engagement included presentations with an ad hoc committee of concerned citizens, web-based preference survey, and open house style public meetings. Floura Teeter is developing construction documents for the preferred concept and will provide construction administration services.
Baseline data has been documented to evaluate changes in biodiversity in avian species at the landfill using point intercept sampling techniques and to evaluate ecological integrity using the Plant Stewardship Index following implementation of the master plan.