The Office of Energy and Sustainability oversees the overall greening of government operations across all County departments.

Office of Energy and Sustainability
Department of General Services
101 Monroe Street, 9th Floor
Rockville, MD 20850

Learn more about the Office of Energy and Sustainability.

Microgrid/Resiliency Hubs Request for Energy Proposal

Montgomery County is seeking innovative partners for our new Microgrid/Resiliency Hubs project. This initiative aims to enhance energy resilience and sustainability across multiple County facilities.

Click here for the RFEP.
Click here for Addendum 01 - Questions and answers about the RFEP from the pre-bid meeting and submitted via email.
Click here for Addendum 02 - Submission Date Extension

The Office of Energy and Sustainability (OES) develops Advanced Energy systems, sometimes referred to as “Distributed Energy Resources” (DER), that help supply the County with low or no carbon fueled electrical generating systems. These would include Solar Photovoltaic (PV) applications, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) generating systems, battery energy storage, microgrids at critical facilities, and infrastructure to support a non-carbon fueled transit fleet and resilience hubs.
The Office of Energy and Sustainability utilizes a systemic data driven process, based on industry standard best practices and energy data, to identify and implement cost-effective energy-efficiency projects. These projects, when implemented, strive to attain a less than 5-year simple payback while supporting the County’s aggressive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals.
Financial stewardship is the practice of optimizing taxpayer funded initiatives and resources responsibly to achieve Office of Energy & Sustainability goals and objectives. This involves making wise decisions about how and where to invest taxpayer funds, time, and staff that result in revenue and/or cost avoidance savings.