Request for Energy Proposals
Purchase of Electricity from Solar Photovoltaic Systems Hosted on Montgomery County Facilities (OPPORTUNITY CLOSED)

Montgomery County Government is committed to creating a more vibrant, healthy, prosperous and sustainable community. The County’s 2009 Climate Protection Plan and 2010 Green Economy Plan both identify deployment of clean energy systems as a priority of the County’s climate and energy goals. The Department of General Services (DGS) is launching an effort to identify and install solar photovoltaic systems in and around County facilities. The County’s portfolio of 412 owned and leased facilities encompassing nearly 9,000,000 square feet of floor area provides ample opportunity for deploying dozens of solar photovoltaic and other clean energy systems. In addition, DGS is responsible for extensive grounds and properties that can be used for solar fields where economical and consistent with sustainable site selection best practices and the County’s redevelopment plans.
As a cornerstone of this effort, the County issued a “Request for Energy Proposals” to identify public-private partners to install, own, operate and finance solar projects hosted on County facilities. The private sector expressed tremendous interest in the opportunity and the County is currently reviewing bids with the intent of announcing an award later this summer.
Notices and Contacts
- Opportunity to bid is closed
- County is currently reviewing proposals and will announce the selected partner in late spring/summer 2014.
- The following four Offerors will be offered interviews based on their written proposal scores:
- Legatus6
- Nextera
- Solar City
- Solar
- Contact:
- Eric R. Coffman
- Chief
- Office of Energy and Sustainability
- Department of General Services
- Montgomery County, Maryland 20850
- 240-777-5595
- [email protected]