Commercial Interior Alteration Building Permit & Inspection Process

A commercial interior alteration building permit is required for all work occurring inside an existing building or to an existing structure that does not affect the land on which it sits. Often these are known as “tenant fit-outs” or “interior renovations”, but may include other work such as window replacement or the installation or relocation of systems furniture. This permit type may be combined with other permit processes such as New Commercial Construction and Additions.
DPS is no longer accepting paper permit applications or plans. Information must be submitted using our eServices programs. For assistance with eServices, email
Interior alteration permits commonly require associated electrical, mechanical, fire alarm, and/or fire protection permits, depending on the scope of work and the systems present. When an alteration is combined with another type of commercial building permit, such as additions or new construction, those requirements also apply to your project.
Required documentation may vary based on the type of project you are undertaking however, the Maryland Accessibility Compliance Form, manufacturer’s catalog (“cut sheets”) product listings, construction bid documents or other verification of construction cost, should be submitted with all projects.
Additional forms which may be required can be found in the “General Information” drop down menu under Permits and Licenses on the Commercial Building Division page.
Systems furniture installations do require a separate building and a separate electrical permit, unless the full scope of the systems furniture installation, including the electrical service, is provided for under the main building permit.
Where the existing structures are subjected to addition and/or alteration, following structural drawings and/or document submittals shall be included as a minimum;
- Description of the existing structural framing, existing member sizes and locations.
- Dead, live and snow load assumptions and the weight of all new mechanical units.
- Computations and details showing the required reinforcing of existing structural members and stiffening of the structural system supporting:
a. New roof top mechanical units and the method of attachment to the structure.
b. New floor supported mechanical units.
c. Water heaters.
d. Operable partitions.
e. Structural members in file and computer rooms.
f. Structural members in change of use areas requiring higher live loads.
g. New photovoltaic panel systems
- Computations and details showing the required reinforcing of existing structural members and stiffening of the structural system supporting:
- Where such addition and/or alteration affect the existing footings, notes on the drawings requesting verification of all soil related design assumptions (utilized by SER for evaluation) by a geotechnical engineer registered in Maryland, prior to commencement of construction.
- If the existing structure is adequate to support such addition and/or alteration then the SER shall provide a statement that the proposed new work meets the requirements stated by International Existing Building Code 2015, the proposed work will not cause an increase in design gravity load of more than 5% for the existing structural elements and the lateral loading to existing lateral load resisting structural elements will not be increased beyond their capacity or more than 10 percent
- Structural evaluation (calculations) of existing roofs, to sustain drifting snow loads caused by higher roofs constructed within twenty (20) feet.
Depending on the scope and type of the project approvals may be needed from:
- Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission (WSSC)
- Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (MNCPPC)
- Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- Local municipalities (Chevy Chase, Takoma Park, etc.) or other regulatory agencies which may have jurisdiction over the business operation or process.
Please note that DPS does not issue building permits for the Cities of Rockville or Gaithersburg.
Applicants and design professionals may request a free Commercial Design Consultation to discuss preliminary or schematic design drawings in preparation for the submission of final construction documents for review. The consultation is primarily intended for architectural designs and submittal requirement assistance but, may also discuss engineered system design, fire protection systems, and/or inspection process assistance.
Projects involving restaurants may also use DPS’ Recipe for Success to assist in permitting and approval. DPS also offers special assistance to Places of Worship as part of our Featured Programs, coordinated by the Customer Service section.
Permit issuance times are dependent on review workload. Generally, review comments are provided by DPS within 30 calendar days for properly submitted plans. Some interior alteration permits are eligible for DPS’ Commercial Walk-Thru program.