Residential Sheds Permits & Inspection Process
A building permit is required to install, move or construct any shed in Montgomery County. A Zoning review for the proposed location of the shed is required. A Site Plan showing the proposed location of the shed must be submitted electronically.
A one-story shed, with a floor area of 200-square-feet or less, does not require a structural review. All other sheds require a set of construction plans, drawn to scale (min ¼” to 1’), to be submitted with the Site Plan.
After a shed is installed, a final inspection to verify the proper location and anchorage is required.
A building permit is required prior to the construction or placement of any shed in Montgomery County
If a code violation is reported at your property, an inspector will order the appropriate corrective action which may include obtaining a permit.
In some circumstances, electrical , mechanical , public right-of-way , well and septic , and/or fire protection permits are required to complete the project. You will also need to make sure that your project conforms to Zoning requirements.
Many of the subdivisions and developments in Montgomery County have private deed restrictions and covenants regulating construction. The County does not enforce covenants and deed restrictions. You may obtain information from your homeowner’s or civic association. You may also need a permit or other permission if you live a Montgomery County municipality that requires it.
Applications for single story sheds with a floor area of 200 square feet or less may be processed via our Fast Track program.
Applications for multi-story sheds, and those with a floor area greater than 200 square feet, will be reviewed through the regular review process. Additionally, these sheds may require footing and framing inspections in addition to the final. For adequately prepared applications, it takes up to 17 days to issue the permit.
Plans must be submitted electronically using the DPS eServices system. The applicant must adhere to the ePlans submittal requirements which can be found in the process box. Please visit our eServices page for to learn about performing tasks electronically. The minimum acceptable scale is ÂĽ inch = 1 foot. Please refer to our list of guidelines for information that must be included on your plans.
Please see our fee schedule for information regarding the fees associated with this permit application type.
Homeowners may apply for a building permit in their own name; however, if a contractor is to perform the work, DPS strongly suggests that the contractor be listed on the permit as the party responsible for the work. A contractor must have a Maryland Home Improvement Commission (MHIC) license to obtain a permit.
Any dispute as to whether a shed has extended into a neighbor’s property or questions about the location of property lines is a legal matter to be resolved by the property owners.
Please see our list of required inspections associated with this permit application type.