Commission on Aging | Minutes & Agendas

Contact Us

Commission on Aging 
,401 Hungerford Drive Rockville, MD 20850
  • A direct link to the Zoom meeting is provided beneath the specific committee.
  • Type in the meeting hyperlink in your browser.
  • Dial-in: contact us by email for the dial-in number for the committee.

Commission on Aging meetings are open to the public

The Commission welcomes visitors to join us as we serve the county and its residents. Meetings are held from 9 a.m. to noon on the fourth Thursday of each month (except for July and August).  Meetings are currently held virtually. Review the  calendar of events or the scheduled meeting calendar. Call the Commission at 240-777-1120 for  more information.

**No meetings in July and August**

Inclement Weather Policy:

The following applies to all county-appointed Boards, Commissions, and Committees (BCC). "For consistency, if Montgomery County Public Schools open late, morning BCC meetings are canceled; if schools close in the early afternoon, late afternoon and evening BCC meetings are canceled; or if schools are closed all day, all BCC meetings for that day and evening are canceled." This applies to full Commission meetings, subcommittees, and all other Commission activities.