Board of Education Compensation Commission


Established by Maryland House Bill 150, eff. 10/1/18. Maryland Code, Local Government Article, Division 5 Other Local Entities, Title 28 (Sec. 28-1A-01 et seq.), Salary Study Commissions, Subtitle 1a, Montgomery County Board of Education Compensation Commission.

View the Legislation that established the Montgomery County Board of Education Compensation Commission.


The five-member Commission will study the salaries of members of the Montgomery County Board of Education. The Commission will issue a report to the members of the Montgomery County Delegation to the General Assembly on or before September 1, 2019, and every four years thereafter, regarding its recommendations for the appropriate compensation for members of the County Board, including any additional stipend for the President of the County Board, and a scholarship amount to be awarded to a student member who completes a full term on the County Board, which would be applied toward the student’s higher education costs.


The Executive must appoint, subject to confirmation by the Council, five residents of Montgomery County. Members may not be employed by the Montgomery County Board of Education; or have a relative who is a member of the Montgomery County Board of Education. Members serve 4-year terms (initially staggered). The Committee consists of five residents of Montgomery County appointed by the Montgomery County Council and confirmed by the Montgomery County Executive. The current members of the Commission are:

  • Gretchen Blankenship
  • Kayon Graham, Chair
  • Jaslynn Laurence
  • Nichole McDonald
  • Rachel Watanabe-Tate, Vice Chair

In 2018, the Maryland General Assembly passed a bill authorizing Montgomery County to establish the Montgomery County Board of Education Compensation Commission ("Compensation Commission") to study the compensation provided to members of the Montgomery County Board of Education (the "Board") and to submit a report with recommendations regarding the appropriate compensation for Board members, including recommendations, if any, regarding (i) any additional stipend for the president of the Board and (ii) a scholarship amount to be awarded to the student Board member.

In order to conduct a comprehensive study, we need your help to gather data. The Compensation Commission requests that you kindly respond to the questions below.

BOE Compensation Survey Result

CLOSING DATE: Wednesday, November 27, 2019

BOE Compensation Commissioners
Chair: Jaye Espy
Vice Chair: Mark Spradley
Commissioner: Ting Chau, Jennifer Sawin, Jason Washington


Dale Tibbitts
Special Assistant to County Executive Marc Elrich
Phone: 240-777-2593
