Reentry Services
Shaunda Legg
Reentry Services Manager
Montgomery County Correctional Facility
Address: 22880 Whelan Lane, Boyds, Maryland 20841 | Telephone: (240) 773-9901 | Directions | Bus Schedule | Inmate Visiting
Reentry Services and Programs Summary
Links: Reentry Program Summary Information | Reentry Services Information |Reentry Resource Guide Brochure |Reentry Resource Library | Community Reentry Partners and Resources
The Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) Reentry Services Unit facilitates many collaborative activities to provide offender opportunities for successful transition from incarceration to the community. The Reentry Services Unit firmly believes that successful reentry is a part of effective crime control and inclusion of justice involved individuals back into our communities. The foundation for successful reentry begins during incarceration and includes a heavy emphasis on personal development, employment, education, treatment services, family support, and community engagement.
Reentry For All is the service motto of DOCR Detention Services Division’s Inmate Services and Reentry Services Units. We serve the Inmate population at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) and Montgomery County Detention Center (MCDC) and strive to ensure information and services are available to address the full range of individual reentry and program needs presented. Core program areas of Education, Substance Abuse Treatment, and Workforce Development are supplemented with a variety of other reentry oriented programs and services. The spirit of our reentry work is to provide comprehensive services and support to returning citizens as individuals, as members of their families, and as members of our community. Reentry For All represents our entire Inmate population we serve as well as the larger public community in reflection of the Inmates, their families, and the communities they are returning to.
Since 2005, the Reentry Services Unit has established a strong foundation serving sentenced offenders and providing quality programs in support of offender reentry needs. 2014 marked an important year as the unit expanded our Staffing complement and enhanced services to fully embrace our Reentry For All mission to provide targeted programs and services to both sentenced and pretrial Inmates across our two secured facilities. In addition to maintaining close partnerships with many other facility and program Staff, the Reentry Services Unit is primarily comprised of two Reentry Case Managers (Correctional Specialist III), a Reentry Social Worker (Clinical LCSW-C), a Health and Human Service Benefits Specialist, assigned Academic Interns, and the Reentry Services Manager.
With our population’s ever-growing complexity of underlying causes and contributing factors to criminal behavior, we have a social responsibility as correctional professionals to similarly increase our services across a diverse range of reentry needs. In turn, our system design is calibrated to provide reentry services to both sentenced and pretrial offenders in our custody while also continuing to develop our capacity to meet the population’s diverse needs. Following established targeted intervention principles based on length of stay and assessed reentry risks/needs, our service approach begins at the initial intake process when an individual is taken into custody and continues through release. This sets a foundation and plan for the duration of the Inmate’s incarceration as well as to inform and refine our services through performance measures, engaging the offender and their family directly in the reentry planning, and bolstering our collaborative relationships with community service providers and stakeholders. Our unit strives to reach all of our population in meaningful and effective ways through resource and service information, workshop seminars, education and discussion groups, and collaborative teaming approaches for individual services and reentry planning. They may be perceived differently throughout our systems with various labels of criminal, offender, Inmate, client, customer, and so on, but the Reentry Services Unit proffers a renewed support of each returning citizen as we provide Reentry for All.
Reentry Services Programs |
Reentry Services Contact Information |
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Reentry Services Information
- Reentry Case Management Services
The MCCF Re-Entry Collaborative Case Management (CCM) Group was established and held its first bi-weekly meeting on February 22, 2006. The objective of the meetings is to provide coordination of direct services to offenders reentering our community after a period of incarceration.
- Community Reentry Photo Identification Card
The Community Reentry Photo Identification Card is a Montgomery County Government approved temporary ID card is issued to qualified offenders upon release from the Montgomery County Correctional Facility. This card assists releasing individuals with accessing a range of services and meeting documentation needs as they return to the community.
- Re-Entry Employment Development Endeavor (REDE)
The Reentry Employment Development Endeavor (REDE) teaches essential soft skills and work habits to offenders in the Job Shop and Digital Imaging Shop. This activity enhances both rapid employment, in addition to employment sustainability.
- WorkSource American Job Center (formerly the MontgomeryWorks One Stop)
The Offender Employment Specialist at the MCCF WorkSource American Job Center (formerly the Montgomery Works One Stop Employment Center) provides pre and post release job search and employment skills development; and secure employment placements for offenders.