DOT Transportation Engineering Projects

New Hampshire Flash Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)

This planning study will define the roadway treatment, station
locations, and end points of the New Hampshire Avenue BRT service

Transit Project

Project Manager:
Jamie Henson
BRT Project Implementation Manager

Project Description

The Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) is advancing BRT for the New Hampshire Avenue corridor consistent with the 2013 Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan. BRT will provide high quality transit service that improves the speed and reliability of bus service in the corridor.

The New Hampshire Avenue BRT Study will engage the public and:

  • Consider multiple approaches to improve bus speed and reliability
  • Define route end points and future station locations
  • Identify station accessibility needs
  • Consider how to connect with existing transit
  • Document potential impacts or tradeoffs for consideration

Routes / Upcoming Projects:

Related Projects: Learn more about BRT in the County Flash BRT Bus
Flash New Hampshire Ave Logo

Project Map

Analysis has found:

Project Status

The project is currently in the planning phase where the major elements of the project will be defined.

Project Status Phases Timeline. The project was written into the area master plan in 2013. The project is now in the Corridor Study phase, until winter 2025. Undated phases to follow include environmental evaluation, preliminary design, final design and construction.

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Proposed BRT Alternatives

Alternative 1:  The bus travels in mixed traffic along the New Hampshire corridor.
Alternative 2: The bus travels in mixed traffic with curbside bus lanes on the southern third of the corridor.
Alternative 3: The bus travels in median bus lanes in the southern section, a single median lane in the middle section, and mixed traffic in the northern section, just before Columbia Pike.
Alternative 4: The b us travels in median bus lanes on the southern section, with a small stretch of a single median bus lane before 495. It then switches back to double median lanes and travels in mixed traffic in the northern section, just before Columbia Pike.



Review and React to BRT Alternatives

Your unique perspective, whether you live, work, or travel in this area, is essential to our planning process. Use our interactive map tool to review the proposed Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) alternatives. Your feedback can guide our understanding and improvement of the proposed system.

Explore and Evaluate Alternatives

About Corridor Advisory Committees (CAC)

Corridor Advisory Committees follow Master Plan guidance as approved by the Montgomery County Council: “A vital facet of facility planning is to receive input and feedback from affected property owners, civic and business groups, and transit riders and road users, including public forums and workshops, electronic newsletters, and other forms of outreach. Accordingly, a citizens' advisory group comprised of residents, business owners and other relevant stakeholders must be created for each corridor which enters into facility planning to make recommendations to the County on the design, construction and proposed station locations for the transit corridor.

Thank you for your continued interest and dedication to this vital County project.

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The project is funded for the planning phase. Future design and construction phases are currently unfunded.


Learn more about Bus Rapid Transit in Montgomery County