Pay Parking Ticket
You have the option of paying parking citations four different ways: online, by mail, by phone, or in person.
By mail
Montgomery County, MD
P.O. Box 1426
Rockville, MD 20849-1426
By phone
(VISA, MasterCard, Discover & American Express accepted)
In person
At Parking Sales Store
(Silver Spring at 801 Ellsworth Dr. or Bethesda at 4720 Cheltenham Dr.)
Pay by Mail
Mail the Parking Violation Notice with check or money order payable to Montgomery County, MD. Include all penalties due if after 15 calendar days. Include the violation number on your payment. You can use the envelope that was provided with the citation.
Parking Violation Notice
By County Law, payment of parking fines or a request for a court hearing must be received within fifteen (15) calendar days of the date of issuance. All fines increase by $25.00 if payment or election to stand trial is not received within the fifteen calendar day period from the date of issuance. Elections to stand trial received within 15 calendar days of issuance do not require posting of collateral. If all fines and penalties are not paid within 45 days of the violation a second late penalty of $25.00 will be assessed.
To Contest a Parking Citation
The Montgomery County Department of Transportation follows the process as established by the State of Maryland to contest a parking citation (Maryland Motor Vehicle Law Annotated).
Maryland State law indicates that only the State court system has the authority to adjudicate appeals of parking citations. The court designated to hear appeals of citations issued in Montgomery County is the 6th District Court of Maryland. If one chooses to appeal, the instructions to do so are printed on the reverse of the citation itself, which says:
"Should you desire to contest this violation, sign on the line indicated and carefully complete the name and address area"
Send in signed violation notice in envelope provided. Notice of the trial date and location will be sent to you by mail. Requests made after 15 days from the date of issue require posting collateral as mentioned above.
How to Avoid a Parking Violation
- Confirm all information including space number or license plate when starting your Pay by Cell parking session
- There is a 4-hour time limit for parking in EV charging spaces. Vehicles in these spaces must pay for their parking and are required to be plugged in and charging while parked.
- Display Parking Permit clearly and visible to the Enforcement Officer.
- Pay for the meters before the time expires.
- Carpool permits may park only in the signs indicating "Carpool Permit Parking Only"
- Only vehicles displaying valid handicap tags or placards may park at a space reserved for accessible parking.
- Observe time limits on meters.