About Us
The Constitution of the State of Maryland provides that each county and the City of Baltimore shall have a State’s Attorney whose primary responsibility is the investigation and prosecution of all criminal defendants. The State’s Attorney is an independently elected state official, who serves as the chief prosecutor in Montgomery County, Maryland.
The Office of the State’s Attorney is staffed with 70 full-time Assistant State’s Attorneys, including the elected State’s Attorney, two appointed Deputy State’s Attorneys, and supported by a highly trained staff of legal assistants, investigators, victim/witness coordinators and a devoted group of volunteers. These dedicated public servants are here to serve you along with nearly 1 million other Montgomery County residents.
The prosecutors are supported by a highly trained staff of legal assistants, investigators, victim/witness coordinators and a devoted group of volunteers. These dedicated public servants are here to serve you along with nearly 1 million other Montgomery County residents.
Our mission is to serve the public interest through fair and honest administration of justice by exercising responsibilities to prosecute criminal violations in Montgomery County; educate the public on criminal-justice issues; train lawyers for future service; address inequality and promote fairness in the criminal justice system; ensure access to the criminal justice system; promote professional relations with judges and attorneys; and further the efficient use of criminal-justice resources.
As a result of Community Prosecution, the State’s Attorney’s Office is now part of an integrated and proactive law enforcement unit, where prosecutors operate outside of the courtroom environment bringing effective crime fighting solutions and increased security to Montgomery County’s residents.
The prosecutors who work in this Office are here to serve the public and seek justice in an aggressive and fair manner on behalf of the victims of crime. We see ourselves as problem-solvers, not merely as case-processors. We hope this site will assist you in learning about our Office, the criminal justice system and how we assist our citizens on public safety issues. You can reach the State's Attorney's Office 240-777-7300, or you can e-mail us at [email protected].