Conviction Integrity Division

It is a priority of the Montgomery County State Attorney’s Office to maintain public trust and confidence while seeking justice for the citizens who live in Montgomery County. This Office is committed to the administration of equal and fair justice.  To that end, the Conviction Integrity Division (“CID”) aims to achieve and ensure justice by investigating claims of innocence, identifying wrongful convictions, and providing proactive support and recommendations to the Office to prevent wrongful convictions.

To have your case reviewed by the Conviction Integrity Division:

  1. You must have been convicted of a crime in the Circuit Court for Montgomery County. The CID will not consider matters that resulted in trials or guilty pleas in District Court.
  2. You must present a claim of actual innocence or wrongful conviction. “Actual innocence” means that you did not commit or participate in the crime charged. "Wrongful conviction" means that either the State or the police withheld evidence or suborned perjury.
  3. The claim must be supported by new evidence not previously litigated.
  4. The claim must be capable of being investigated and substantiated.
  5. You must agree to cooperate fully with the CID’s investigation.

How to Apply for Review

All applications must be submitted in writing. Please indicate whether the applicant is the defendant or his/her attorney. Applications for review will not be accepted by third parties, including friends and family members. Review by the CID is discretionary and conveys no entitlement to relief.

Submissions to the CID must satisfy all the required intake standards. The Office may decline to consider applications not meeting all the above criteria.

To download the CID's Application Form (PDF), click on the button below.

Conviction Integrity Division Application Form  Conviction Integrity Division Application Form Spanish 

NOTE: The application form requires you to have Adobe Reader version 8 or higher. Visit the Adobe Acrobat Website to download the latest Adobe Reader version for free. The application should open automatically in Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari. If you are using Chrome, see Additional Instructions about how to open the file in Chrome.

Contact Information

Intake Email:

[email protected]

Mailing Address:

Conviction Integrity Division
Montgomery County State’s Attorney's Office
50 Maryland Avenue
Rockville, Maryland 20850