Age-Friendly Montgomery
Age-Friendly Montgomery Advisory Group | Members | Presentations | Meeting Minutes
Age-Friendly Montgomery County is an initiative desgined to enhance the County as a wonderfully diverse Community for a Lifetime-- a place where all residents can thrive to their full potential, and contribute to making our County a better, stronger and more inclusive community for everyone.
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Have Questions? Contact Us:
Age-Friendly Montgomery
Email: Shawn Brennan ( [email protected])
Visit the Commission on Aging or call
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When did the County's Age-Friendly Program begin?
Montgomery County joined a program called the World Health Organization/ AARP Network of Age-Friendly Communities in December 2015. There are over 880 communities in the US and more than 50 in other countries in this program. Montgomery County also joined the Dementia Friendly America initiative to help people with memory problems and their caregivers. These two programs work together to make the community better for everyone.
How Does Age-Friendly Work?
County Executive Marc Elrich leads this effort, together with the County Council, government staff, residents across the County, community and faith-based organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders. Together, these community leaders offer critical input into planning for an Age-Friendly future that is designed to meet the changing needs of all County residents, with a focus on our rapidly growing and diverse older population.
Areas of Focus
An Age-Friendly Advisory Group comprised of public and private leaders oversees the efforts of ten workgroups in addressing domains considered essential to an age-friendly community. Based on information gathered from the Age-Friendly Montgomery Survey, community focus groups and other sources, the work groups have established three-year strategic plans in key domains, as listed below, to improve resources and services.
Key Domains and Missions
Civic and Social Involvement
To encourage and support vital living for all older adults in Montgomery County by providing opportunities for physical, mental, and social interaction.
Communication and Outreach
To distribute and publicize recognizable, understandable, timely, and accessible information on County and public resources and services for older adults.
Elder Abuse Prevention
To protect elderly adults from maltreatment, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of every type through education, intervention, and prosecution.
To promote the equitable recruitment and training of workers age 50 and older to enhance their employability and to benefit employers.
Health and Wellness
To bring together government and community partners to expand and promote health and wellness awareness, resources, and activities for adults 55+ that help maintain or improve physical, cognitive, and emotional health.
Home and Community-Based Services
To provide Montgomery County residents with coordinated, personalized, community-based support allowing them to age safely and with dignity in their communities.
To ensure that Montgomery County older adults will have choices of dwelling types to meet the changing needs and preferences of this population. The County will support initiatives to assist older adults to age in place, downsize, choose rental housing or home ownership. Further, the County will support housing with supportive services so that older adults can remain in their communities.
Planning, Outdoor Spaces, and Buildings
To "change the way we age" by enabling older adults to "stay active, to the fullest extent possible, within all areas of life; physical, spiritual, emotional, intellectual, vocational, social, and environmental. Aging within these dimensions of wellness keeps us alert and enjoying a productive life." (Adopted from the International Committee on Active Ageing.)
Senior Public Safety
To provide physical, financial, technological protection and safety for older adults.
Transportation and Mobility
To provide public and private transportation and mobility systems that enable older adults to go safely where they want to go, when they want to go.
Reports and Resources
Progress Reports
- Age-Friendly Montgomery County, MD 2022 Progress Report
- Age-Friendly Montgomery Progress Report at three-year mark (2015-2018)
Other Resources
Alternative formats of these document are available upon request. Call Aging and Disability Services at 240-777-3000.