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Student Service Learning (SSL)

The Volunteer Center partners with Montgomery County Public Schools to post SSL-approved volunteer opportunities.
Nominations are Open!

Do you know an individual, youth, group, or business who performed extraordinary community service in 2024? Nominate them to be recognized at the highest level of recognition for volunteerism in Montgomery County!
Find Your Purpose
Join 25 local non-profits for a volunteer fair on Tuesday, March 4th. Browse displays, chat with volunteer coordinators, and find your next volunteer opportunity.
Click here for more details!
50+ Volunteer Network

Through in-person consultations, this program helps volunteers aged 50+ connect with meaningful volunteer experiences at partnering nonprofits and government agencies.
County Executive's Customer Service Commitment
Montgomery County Government is committed to providing exceptional service to our many diverse communities, residents and businesses. I encourage you to contact me if you feel that you have not received excellent service, or have compliments or other comments related to the service you received from your county government.
-Marc Elrich, Montgomery County Executive
Send email to County Executive Marc Elrich
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