Volunteer to Combat Rising Food Insecurity

Food assistance needs have been relentless, affecting every zip code in Montgomery County throughout the COVID-19 health and economic emergency.

Ready to help? Food assistance providers need volunteers for Food Packaging, Food Distribution and Site Support, and Contactless Driving -- as well as Food, Supplies, and Financial Donations -- throughout the County. (Find all food assistance needs.)  

Here is the list of food and service consolidation hubs as well as nonprofits needing assistance every week (various days and times), with links to their opportunities and sign-up information:

Food and Service Consolidation Hubs:

East County Hub at Kingdom Fellowship Church, Silver Spring 20904
Gaithersburg CARES Hub at Seneca Creek Community Church, Gaithersburg, 20878
Interfaith Works Hub at Twinbrook, Rockville 20851
Mid County Hub at Harvest Intercontinental Church (Formerly Bethel World Outreach Church), Olney 20832
Mid County Hub at Hughes United Methodist Church, Wheaton 20902
Oak Chapel United Methodist Church Hub, Silver Spring 20906 
Silver Spring Hub at Clifton Park Baptist Church, Silver Spring 20903
Upcounty Hub at Black Rock Center for the Arts, Germantown 20874 (volunteer requests coordinated by KindWorks)

Additional Food Assistance Nonprofits Needing Assistance Every Week:

Adventist Community Services, Silver Spring 20910
AfriThrive Inc., Silver Spring 20906
First AME Church of Gaithersburg, 20877  
Montgomery Village Resource Center, 20877
MUM Mobile Pantry Food Distribution, Wheaton 20902
NourishNow, Rockville
Rainbow Community Development Center, Silver Spring 20904
So What Else, Rockville 20850,
Takoma Park Food Panty, 20912 
Women Who Care Ministries, Montgomery Village 20886

Learn more about the amazing network of food providers and  COVID-19 response on the Montgomery County Food Council website


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