Student Service Learning - SSL    

Click here to find SSL Organizations and SSL Opportunities!

Student Service Learning (SSL) is a Maryland state graduation requirement. Students must earn 75 SSL hours to meet this graduation requirement.

The Volunteer Center works in partnership with Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) to show organizations and volunteer opportunities that have been reviewed by MCPS and meet the MCPS guidelines for SSL.

Look for the blue MCPS SSL graduation cap icon above indicating MCPS SSL organizations and opportunities.

For more information regarding the MCPS SSL requirements, resources, and forms:

Learn more about the SSL program in action!


Searching for MCPS SSL Opportunities

  • All opportunities that are eligible for SSL hours are tagged with the blue MCPS SSL graduation cap banner. 
  • Students may use multiple search filters to find SSL opportunities - enter your zip code, your age, or a keyword or phrase to find opportunities close to home, for your age, or addressing a need that matters to you.  
  • The following quick links will also take you to all nonprofit-hosted SSL opportunities currently posted on the Montgomery County Volunteer Center website:

Signing up for SSL Opportunities

  • When you find an opportunity you are interested in, click on the blue "RESPOND" button. This will prompt you to create an account on the website first.
    • If you are younger than 13, you should ask a parent or guardian to create an account for you. 
    • When creating an account, please do not enter your as your email address when registering. Please use another non-MCPS email address.
  • If you don't want to create an account, then instead of clicking on "RESPOND", click on the name of the organization. That will take you to a page where you'll see the organization’s contact information and you can reach out to the organization directly.

Searching for MCPS SSL Organizations 

  • Students may search all organizations listed on the Volunteer Center website
  • All MCPS SSL organizations will have the blue MCPS SSL graduation cap icon located under the "What Volunteers Do" section of their organization page. 
  • These organizations have met the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) SSL guidelines, and students may earn SSL hours for service with these organizations according to the MCPS SSL guidelines.
  • If the organization is actively recruiting volunteers, it will have volunteer opportunities posted.
  • If the organization does not have any volunteer opportunities posted, please contact the organization directly to learn more about serving with their organization.

See Students in Action at Tilden Middle School's Day of Service on Edutopia!

SSL Program Overview

  • SSL is a Maryland state graduation requirement. Students must earn 75 SSL hours to meet this graduation requirement.
  • MCPS students may earn SSL hours starting the summer after completing grade 5 through middle school and high school.
  • Students can earn SSL hours by serving in the community with registered nonprofit organizations that have met MCPS SSL guidelines.
  • Select virtual/remote volunteer opportunities are eligible for SSL hours under the MCPS SSL guidelines for virtual/remote service:
  • For more information regarding the MCPS SSL guidelines, resources, and forms:

Questions? Email the MCPS SSL Office at

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