Make a difference in the lives of students by promoting safe habits while walking and biking to and from school! Get involved in the Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program to:
- enhance safety and well-being
- ease traffic congestion near the school
- improve air quality and improve community members' overall quality of life
Get Involved
Participate in the safety activities at your child's school. Learn the importance of walking and biking to school safely.
- Receive the "Safe Routes News" newsletter
- Include any of this information in your school / PTA / neighborhood association newsletters.
- Encourage SRTS programs at your school by talking with your school principal or contacting Montgomery County Safe Routes to School Coordinator
- Form your own Safe Routes to School group

For more information on any of the listed activities above and to volunteer with the Montgomery County Safe Routes to School program, please contact Duwan Morris, 240-777-7169 or Duwan.Morris@montgomerycountymd.gov