Safe Routes to School Students Page


Take the Pledge >

Elementary School Students - create your best artwork that shows what you know about staying safe while walking to school, to the park, or anywhere! Keep your eyes open in the spring when the contest opens.  Enter the contest for a chance to win gift cards to Amazon or Barnes & Noble. CLICK HERE to view the 2024 winners.


Make a difference in the lives of your fellow students by promoting safe habits!

Starting a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) program is an opportunity to make walking and bicycling to school safer for students and to increase the number of students who choose to walk and bicycle.

Learn how to start an SRTS program at your school:

  • Become and SRTS Ambassador
  • SRTS Program Brochure (PDF)
  • Walkability and Bikeability Checklists
  • Resources

Safety Tips for All Ages

Tips for Biking

  1. Obey signs and signals.
  2. Never ride against traffic
  3. Use hand signals to tell drivers what you intend to do.
  4. Use lights at night and when visibility is poor.
  5. Wear a helmet.
  6. Ride in a straight line at least 3 feet from parked cars

Tips for Walking

  1. Cross the street at crosswalks and intersections.
  2. Watch for turning vehicles. Look left, right, and then left again.
  3. Use the push buttons.
  4. Wait for the walk signal.
  5. Be visible. Wear something light or reflective after dark.
  6. Watch out for blind spots around trucks and buses.