Computers & Technology
Desktop computers are available at all MCPL locations except Noyes Library for Young Children. Laptops are available at some MCPL locations. Please contact your branch to confirm availability of laptops. Customers may print from public computers or MCPL laptops. All libraries provide WiFi access.
Use your library card number and pin to sign into the public computers. If you don't have a library card or have other issues logging in, please see branch staff for assistance. Please note that public computers in the libraries shut down ten minutes before closing.
In using library computers and WiFi, you agree to comply with Montgomery County Public Library's Computer, Internet, and Wireless Use Policies.
Outdoor WiFi
Outdoor public Wi-Fi is available at the following MCPL locations: Aspen Hill, Davis (N. Bethesda), Gaithersburg, Germantown, Long Branch, Maggie Nightingale (Poolesville), Marilyn Praisner (Burtonsville), Rockville Memorial, Twinbrook, Wheaton, and White Oak.
Internet to Go!
All branches excluding Noyes Library for Young Children have wireless hotspots that circulate outside the branch. These hotspots can be checked out for two weeks.
Laptops are only available at some MCPL branches. Please contact your branch to confirm availability.
Computer Software
MCPL's public computers and laptops have various programs installed.
Web Browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Firefox
- Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Office 2019 programs:
- Word - word processing
- Excel - spreadsheets
- PowerPoint - presentations
- Publisher - desktop publishing
Open source editing software (desktops only):
- GIMP - image editing, including photo editing/retouching, image composition, and more
- Blender - 3D content creation
- Inkscape - vector graphics
- Audacity - audio recording and editing
Additional Services
To support customer use of the public computers, branches (except Noyes) offer earbuds for $2.00 and flash drives (64 MB) for $3.00. Inquire at your branch regarding availability.