Montgomery County Correctional Facility Library
22880 Whelan Lane
Boyds, MD 20841
Branch Manager: Lori Kebetz
Contact Manager

The Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) Library serves the incarcerated population and the jail's professional staff. The library is not open to the public.
Nearby Public Branches: Damascus, Germantown, Maggie Nightingale
The Montgomery County Correctional Facility (MCCF) Library provides inmates access to recreational, educational, and legal materials in order to improve and enrich their lives as well as to facilitate successful community reentry. The library holds approximately 15,000 books, including materials in several languages. As mandated by Maryland and Federal law, the MCCF Library provides select legal resources in print for inmates researching their active cases or matters of incarceration. A librarian conducts online searches of statutes and case law per inmate request.
Inmates visit the library on a rotating schedule to borrow books and to do legal research.
Word-processing computers are available to inmates; however, Internet access is not available.
Contact the Branch Manager with questions about book donations.