Collaboration Spaces and Meeting Rooms
MCPL libraries offers three options for the community - quiet study rooms, collaboration spaces, and meeting rooms. Each library is different, so check below to discover what is available at each library. Individuals and groups are limited to 1 booking per day up to a total of two hours.
Quiet Study Rooms
All branches, except Chevy Chase, Kensington Park, Noyes, Maggie Nightingale, and Twinbrook, have quiet study rooms.
Collaboration Spaces
There are collaboration rooms, sometimes called group study or tutor rooms, at the following branches. Make an online reservation:
Meeting Rooms
All branches, except Noyes Library for Young Children, have meeting rooms available for rent through Montgomery County's Community Use of Public Facilities (CUPF) office. Room capacity, hours, and facilities differ by branch. Pianos are available in the meeting rooms at the Chevy Chase, Connie Morella (Bethesda), Gaithersburg, Kensington Park, Marilyn J. Praisner, Rockville Memorial, and Twinbrook branches.
For information about reserving a room, see the CUPF website or call MC311 (311 or 240-777-0311).
Discovery Rooms
Come alone or make a play date with a friend. MCPL’s discovery rooms have everything you need to have fun and encourage learning through play. The Discovery Rooms are designed for children from newborns to 8 years old and for their adult caregivers.
There are Discovery Rooms at the following branches. Make an online reservation:
Please review MCPL's Discovery Room policies.
Read the policies for using quiet study rooms and collaboration spaces (PDF). The rooms are not soundproof. Please be courteous to other branch customers when using rooms.