The documents made available in this archives section should be examined for historical or background purposes only. Under no circumstances should the information being accessed be regarded as current, nor should it be regarded as constituting a current offering of any kind.
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2011
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2010
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2009
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2008
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2007
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2006
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2005
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2004
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2003
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2002
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2001
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 2000
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 1999
- Comprehensive Annual Financial Report FY 1998
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2011
July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Joseph Beach, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2010
July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Jennifer Barrett, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2009
July 1, 2008 - June 30, 2009
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Jennifer Barrett, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2008
July 1, 2007 - June 30, 2007
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Jennifer Barrett, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2007
July 1, 2006 - June 30, 2007
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Jennifer Barrett, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2006
July 1, 2005 - June 30, 2006
Rockville, Maryland
Isiah Leggett, County Executive
Department of Finance
Jennifer Barrett, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2005
July 1, 2004 - June 30, 2005
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2004
July 1, 2003 - June 30, 2004
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides information on financial trends, revenue capacity, debt capacity, demographic and economic data, and operating data.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2003
July 1, 2002 - June 30, 2003
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2002
July 1, 2001 - June 30, 2002
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Independent Auditors' Report, Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), Basic Financial Statements, and Supplementary Data (including combining and individual fund financial statements and supplementary schedules). The Independent Auditors' Report and MD&A are included in the Basic Financial Statements link below.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2001
July 1, 2000 - June 30, 2001
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Combining, Individual Fund and Individual Account Group Financial Statements.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2000
July 1, 1999 - June 30, 2000
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Combining, Individual Fund and Individual Account Group Financial Statements.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 1999
July 1, 1998 - June 30, 1999
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Combining, Individual Fund and Individual Account Group Financial Statements.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 1998
July 1, 1997 - June 30, 1998
Rockville, Maryland
Douglas M. Duncan, County Executive
Department of Finance
Timothy L. Firestine, Director
Introductory Section
The introductory section of the CAFR contains the Transmittal Letter, the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, a listing of acknowledgments, a Functional Organization Chart of the County and the Listing of Officials.
Financial Section
This section contains the Combining, Individual Fund and Individual Account Group Financial Statements.
Statistical Section
The statistical section provides additional financial and non financial information about Montgomery County including historical trend data. Information is presented on tax rates, levies, and collections; general bonded debt ratios and computations; bond coverage; and demographic information.