Allowable Land Uses
Residential Zones, One-Family:
Antennas on existing buildings and structures are a permitted use subject to the provisions described above. Antennas on existing buildings that do not meet the minimum height requirements may be authorized as special exceptions. New monopoles or towers on residential zoned properties require a special exception (unless they will be publicly owned or there is a public use).
R-T Zones, Townhouse, Residential:
Use for telecommunications facilities is not allowed.
Commercial Zones:
Antennas on existing buildings and structures are a permitted use subject to the provisions described above. Antennas on existing buildings that do not meet the minimum height requirements need to obtain a special exception. In zones C-O, C-P, C-2, C-3, C-5 and H-M, a freestanding monopole is a permitted use up to 150 feet in height, with a setback of one foot for every foot of height from all residential and agricultural zoned properties. (No minimum setback required from adjacent commercial or industrial properties.) Taller monopoles or any towers in these six zones may be authorized as special exceptions. Telecommunications facilities in other commercial zones (i.e., C-T, O-M, C-1, C-4 and Country Inn) also may be authorized as special exceptions.
Industrial Zones:
Antennas on existing buildings and structures are a permitted use subject to the provisions described above. Antennas on existing buildings that do not meet the minimum height requirements need to obtain a special exception. In all industrial zones except LSC, a freestanding monopole is a permitted use up to 199 feet in height, with a setback of one foot for every foot of height from all residential and agricultural zoned properties. (No minimum setback required from adjacent commercial or industrial properties.) Taller monopoles or any towers in the I-1, I-2, I-3, I-4 and R&D zones may be authorized as special exceptions. Telecommunications facilities in the LSC zone also may be authorized as special exceptions.
Agricultural Zones:
For all agricultural zones, a freestanding monopoles is a permitted use up to 199 feet in height within an overhead transmission line right-of-way, but not closer than 300 feet to any residence. In Zone RS only, a freestanding monopole is a permitted use if the height does not exceed the building height of the zone (i.e., 50 feet maximum) and the monopole is set back one foot for every foot of height from the property line. Taller monopoles in this zone or any telecommunications facility other agricultural zones may be authorized as special exceptions.