Program Updates

MCDOT'S SAFETY DAY Will Be Held on Saturday, May 10
MCDOT will again host a free, family-friendly, student-led “Community Safety Day” event from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, May 10, at the Carver Educational Services Center parking lot located at 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. The fair will highlight safety demonstrations, music, and children's activities. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) and Montgomery County Recreation are co-sponsoring the event. Learn more about Safety Day.
Vendors interested in participating can fill out this online form.
Safety Day is being organized by members of the County’s Vision Zero Youth Ambassador program.
View photos from last year's event.

Heads Up Phones Down Contest WINNERS
The contest challenged high school students to create videos encouraging their peers to avoid cell phone distractions while driving or walking. See the winning entries. Learn more.

Learn about Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
A pedestrian hybrid beacon (PHB) is designed to help pedestrians safely cross busy streets by providing a protected crossing. While slightly different in appearance than typical traffic signals, pedestrian activation of this beacon is performed like other push-button activated traffic signals in the County. Ultimately, activating the PHB displays a red signal indicating stopping traffic, allowing pedestrians to cross the road with a WALK signal. We are planning visits to neighborhoods in the County to talk about how to activate and use PHB’s.
Learn more about Pedestrian Safety.
PBH Outreach (Tuckerman lane) - Grosvenor Metro Station | Flickr PBH OUTREACH - Democracy Blvd & Davis Library (Giant Foods) | Flickr PBH Outreach (Summit & Brookfield) - Safeway, Kensington | Flickr
Take the Pledge for Safety
Pledge to be safe while walking, biking, or driving in and around Montgomery County.

Programs and Projects
As an ongoing commitment to the safety of Montgomery County residents, the Montgomery County Department of Transportation administers a variety of pedestrian and traffic programs aimed at educating students, bikers, and residents of Montgomery County on the importance of transportation safety and awareness.

Improving Safety in Montgomery County
By combining the three E's of pedestrian safety - Engineering, Education, and Enforcement - MCDOT is implementing engineering improvements on county roadways, public education campaigns, and targeted enforcement of traffic laws. These efforts have shown signs of reducing the frequency and severity of pedestrian collisions.

How We Work with VisionZero
Vision Zero roadway safety program seeks to eliminate and reduce pedestrian-related collision and fatalities to zero (0), by 2030. The program focuses on introducing a safe systems approach to education and training, improving the engineering of infrastructure for high-injury area, maintenance of quick-action traffic incident response, traffic safety enforcement, and state policy safety plans.