Accessibility & Inclusion
We want to make it easy for Montgomery County residents with disabilities to use our programs, services, and collections.
This page tells you how to ask for an accommodation and explains the assistive technologies and services we offer for residents who have disabilities.
If you want to know what is available at a particular branch of the library, contact that branch directly.
Accommodation Requests
Captioning and sign language interpreting services can be requested by completing the request form. Contact the Assistant Facilities and Accessibility Program Manager at 240-777-0002 with all other accommodation requests. Please make your request for accommodation at least five days before the library-sponsored program you plan to attend.
Assistive Technology
Public Computers
Most branches have an assistive technology workstation with a height-adjustable table, a magnifier that can read aloud printed text, and a computer with a large print keyboard. If you would like to use this workstation, please choose the "ATW" queue when signing up to use a public computer.
Ease of Access options are available on all public computers, allowing adjustments to the size and color of text, the mouse pointer, and the text cursor. Pressing the Windows key then typing Ease of Access will display the menu.
All public computers at MCPL offer the screen reader Narrator and the magnification software Magnifier, which can be opened by pressing the Windows key, typing the name of the program, and pressing enter. Public computers also have the screen reader NVDA available, which can be started with insert + n and stopped with insert + q.
Audio Loops
An audio loop system, which can be used by people who have hearing aids with a telecoil switch, is available in the meeting rooms listed below.
- Damascus: Large Meeting Room
- Davis: Large Meeting Room
- Gaithersburg: Meeting Rooms 1, 2, and 3
- Germantown:Meeting Rooms A and B, Children's Programming Room
- Kensington Park
- Marilyn J. Praisner: Large Meeting Room
- Olney: Medium-Sized Meeting Room
- Rockville Memorial: Meeting Rooms 1 and 2, Children's Programming Room
- Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library (Silver Spring)
- Wheaton: Multi-Purpose Room
Books @ Home
This free service sends library materials to the homes of Montgomery County residents who cannot visit the library because of a physical disability, health issue, or frailty. Materials are mailed to and from the customer’s home through the United States Postal Service in postage prepaid reusable mailing bags.
Eligible Books@Home materials include print books, books on CD, and DVDs. Lucky Day materials, technology items, and other special collections are not eligible for mailing as part of this service.
How Do I Use The Books @ Home Service?
After acceptance into the service, Books@Home customers can receive up to 5 items a week, to a maximum of 20 total items checked out, for a 6 week checkout period. They can participate in the What Do I Check Out Next? online program, or call their assigned branch to get recommendations and place holds on items. They can also put materials on hold by logging into their account online.
How do I Apply?
Montgomery County residents who are interested in this service should download and complete the application below. A healthcare provider, social services provider, or clergy person must sign the application, certifying that the applicant cannot come to the library.
Download Application PDFQuestions about the service can be directed to your local library branch.
Deaf Community
The Maryland Deaf Culture Digital Library offers extensive digital resources about Deaf culture, including e-books, online journals, and videos.
Reading in Alternative Formats
If you like audiobooks, we have them on CD and as downloads. If you like large print materials, we have them in print, as e-books, and as magazines.
Children's braille books are available at the Connie Morella, Gaithersburg, Germantown, Olney, Rockville Memorial, and Brigadier General Charles E. McGee Library (Silver Spring) branches.
People who have print disabilities may qualify for library service from the Maryland State Library for the Blind & Print Disabled.
Service Animals
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act, service animals are dogs that perform tasks for people with disabilities. Service animals are allowed in all Montgomery County facilities, including libraries, and in Maryland, state law includes service animal trainers accompanied by a service animal in training. The service animal must be under control of the handler at all times; if the service animal becomes disruptive, staff will ask that it be removed from the facility. For more information, visit the Montgomery County ADA Compliance office page about Service Animals, or contact the Montgomery County ADA Compliance Team at or 240-777-6197.
Accessibility Advisory Committee
The MCPL Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) advises the MCPL Director and Library Board on how to increase the value of library services and programming for people with disabilities. This includes providing advice about:
- Opportunities to improve library services and programming for people with disabilities, including identifying unmet needs;
- Opportunities and practical means to inform people with disabilities and their families about library services and programs and to encourage them to come to libraries in person or online;
- Opportunities for partnerships that support new programming and staff development; and
- Accessibility of new and existing facilities.
See the Accessibility Advisory Committee webpage for information on goals, meetings, agendas and minutes, and membership.